Remixed Pink Mercy skin?

the one thing that bothers me is her hair. god sake her hair looks so bad

I love how players are against bringing back a cosmetic item as if it would be a disadvantage towards them.

Even if it were just to be changed, like damn.

It reduces the value for the product.
If going to promote something as being exclusive maybe actually keep it that way or don’t promote it as such.


There is no market, you cannot sell cosmetics.
If Blizzard created an actual virtual market like Valve had done with CS:GO and TF2 it would be understandable.

It’s against rules to sell accounts, so it’s not as if you can sell your account.

People complain about value yet it’s worth nothing…
It’s a damn skin, you’d rather feel special having spent money and keeping others from spending money on a skin?

You buy a skin not knowing what will happen to it in a few years, it doubt that really is a good reason to give considering people buy games which turn into F2P and all they get are a few useless cosmetics.

Honestly, that’s just not a really good reason in my opinion.

If people like it, why not make it so others can get it?
Blizzard doesn’t earn money by not selling it, so it’s not even logical for the perspective from a company.
Blizzard is literally one of the companies that care about money, if at all they should be selling it.

Nobody is talking about trading.

Exclusivity makes an item more appealing and encourages people to buy.
if you pull the rug under those people they just won’t buy again from you when you do another “exclusive” promo.

The point of the skin was never to make money itself, it was for charity, i am aware.
Though that isn’t a reason to make it “appealing”

It’s already appealing enough… people literally do not want the skin because of it’s exclusivity, it’s literally shown that people just want the skin because they like it.

Also plenty of older skins have come back, despite being said it was exclusive.
So it’s not as if that rug hasn’t been pulled already.

It doesn’t affect anyone except those that want to feel special, it’s dumb.

A big part of why the charity got 12 mil is because the skin was limited offer and people had to rush and buy it. Otherwise they would just wait and get it when and if they feel like they want it or donate when they feel like.

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Yes a good technique to get players to buy it at that time, doesn’t mean they can’t rerelease it now.

Would only be better for the charity.

I’ve heard many players with the skin itself say that it’s dumb that it isn’t coming back.
Those same players would’ve eventually bought it anyways.
If not, then all that was worth to them was the exclusivity, which wasn’t guaranteed.

They can but I guarantee you that there will be less of an interest when they do another one if people know they are not missing out on anything if don’t donate now.

Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed.

Well that’s understandable, though i don’t think that would matter too much.

People want nice skins whether it’s exclusive or just accessible throughout the years.
It would technically benifit the player too since it’s not directing players into spending their money quickly just because it says ‘Limited’

Again, not really a reason to bring it back.
There will be plenty of players that’ll buy a skin for charity, doesn’t need to be exclusive.

I still personally think they should bring it back, recolor is fine too.
It won’t be the end of the world.

Not relaunching a skin or at least in another color variant encourages:

  • For people to sell beads with the skin, it is illegal.
  • That people buy accounts with the skin and then ban them because it is illegal.
  • The typical pimps who pose with the skin and don’t even know how to play Mercy (also apply to other heroes with exclusive skins).
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