Reminding blizzard that Pharah is still horrible to play

But who gets to decide which group of players gets what they enjoy.
A ton of players LIKE the new pharrah changes, does their opinion not matter?

Salt much? It’s incredible to me that people will form opinions when objective data blatantly contradicts that opinion (which I noticed my treatise of that is left out… nice). I get that some people may not be aware of the data, but for those who are and choose to disregard it? Truly mind-blowing.

Speaking as someone who falls in the 94th percentile in accuracy with Pharah (before you wanna say “lol bad at aim”), these changes really didn’t help her much at all.

I have no clue what data you’re talking about.
Do you literally think that everyone is going to have the same opinion as you on everything?
This is not about data perception. This is a video game. There are no facts here.
If someone prefers the new pharrah gameplay, THEY WILL PREFER IT.
It’s what they like and you’re nobody to tell them otherwise.
If you don’t like it, fair enough, that’s on you. But you can’t be like OMG OTHER PEOPLE DONT LIKE WHAT I LIKE HOWWWWWW???

That’s your perception of it, other people will NOT feel the same. Your opinion isn’t superior to anyone.

You gotta remember this is a game and people will prefer different playstyles.
Get over yourself bud.

I think what they’re (and I) am trying to say is that we are both in the top 5% of all Pharah players for accuracy, so we are talking for other Pharah players in that same position when we say the rework was a net nerf for her.

It very well could be a buff for lower ranks, or console, I don’t claim to speak for EVERYONE

My whole complaint is that you cannot play precisely anymore and still get kills, you HAVE to divebomb to get kills at the same rate as before, but end up dying tryign to escape and rejoin your team, that’s like the only two options on how to play her now

  • spam shots and hold down M1 from long range and kill nothing, but feed enemy ults
  • divebomb every single target and (maybe) kill them,but die trying to escape back to safety
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The data that shows a marked drop in pick and winrate for Pharah after the patch?

No. This is a red herring.

That’s… objectively incorrect. It is a fact that the most picked hero on average is Reinhardt. It is a fact that Bastion is statistically the worst performing hero in the game. It is a fact that, with except to some parts of PSN, Pharah’s performance largely dropped after the patch.

That’s irrelevant to the point of this thread. People enjoy playing Bastion. That doesn’t change whether or not he’s a strong performing hero. They can argue that he’s a strong and powerful hero–but, objective data tells us this isn’t really true.

People are more than welcome to enjoy whichever hero they please, but that’s not the same as having an opinion that states"Pharah was made stronger and more viable by the patch notes" which is openly contradicted by objective data.

Lol you stated “for people with good aim, it’s a buff”

I am a person with good aim on Pharah. It’s not a buff.

My point was to illustrate that what you say is not patently true.

That is incorrect. If this is your interpretation of my post, then either you’re misunderstanding me, or intentionally misrepresenting what I am saying.

Again, what people like and how they like to play is irrelevant


What both of you fail to understand is that, a lot of people prefer the changes, and not only at low ranks. Why should their opinions be discounted?

hitscan falloff buff, soldier spread buff, mccree roll buff, ashe added to the game, bastion spread buff soon… Pharah is great :confused:

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I’ve given up hope that anything will be done. It’s clear the changes were intended to boost the the change other hero’s can survive and feel less pain from forgetting to look up, move, or focus on Mercy vs Pharah.

Far too many players complained, and I would be the statistics were showing that far too many players were not able to figure out how to counter.

I myself wouldn’t have made the changes. I would have instead addressed the reason why Pharah is rarely played at higher levels, and rarely countered well in lower levels.

I get that changing Mercy would be bad business. I get that tweaking hit-scan so “excellent aim” isn’t the #1 reason Pharah is ignored at higher levels or going to route of boosting Pharah’s agility and defense to increase surviability in games where hit-scan aim is dead accurate. All of that would also be bad business and would kick of a firestorm of hate from the majority of players who do NOT play Pharah.

If anything, my aim is getting tighter and tighter now - and I can see a big difference when switching to a hi scan - much improved. So meh, the most awesome hero in the game will never be where she should be and there is zero I can do about it.

Pharah is a special case where she may need nerfs in lower ranks on console and she DEFINITELY needs buffs in higher ranks on PC…

So which side should Blizzard embrace? No matter what they choose, a group of players is losing out big time. They just happened to choose helping out lower rank console players (they literally said that’s why they made the kit tweak for her, so she is easier to deal with on console and to reduce her spam)

It just means (once again) PC players diamond or above have to suffer as monthly power creep weighs more and more heavily and she gets harder and harder to play :disappointed_relieved:

Dearest Devs: BaLaNcE cOnSoLe SePaRaTeLy!!!

It’s not gonna break your precious game to not be 100% consistent across the board, it’s okay to balance separately on two different platforms, 99% of fans have been begging for this for almost 3 years now :neutral_face:

TL:DR I’m tired of suffering on PC as Pharah because console players can’t deal with her as well

I don’t play Pharah anymore and it’s a shame considering how many hours I put into her. She’s just not viable at plat or above. She always struggled for air superiority, but now she’s obsolete.