Remember when the devs posted here?

Then what about this:

This was posted 20 hours ago.

My point is that they did posted something the past few days.

THIS CHANGES EVERYTHING THEN!!! I mean, we now know how Torb sleep!

No matter if the game director or who’s in charge at ruining game’s balance aren’t answering for a month.

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Small indie company probably had to make cutbacks on staff.

Only people who make cosmetics remain on the team now:)

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OWL season 1 is over, season 2 needs to be bigger and better, I guess a lot of resources will go into that upcoming 5 months with the World Cup as OWL season 2 beta testing.

When there aren’t any good posts it’s not hard to see why they don’t.

I am starting to think whole dev team decided to keep holiday at the same time and left bunch of summer workers to run the house.

Gotta keep up appearances!

good thing you aren’t a dev then because your games would die quick

I read this post last night and I’m still laughing.

This is the funniest post I’ve read in a long while.