Remember when people complained about the lack of barrier tanks other than Rein?

Is it? The difference between Diamond and the lower ranks is just mechanical skill.

You don’t need bastion to break barriers. He is good at it, but you don’t need it. DPS aren’t the only ones dealing damage to barriers.

YOu brought it up

I love how you imply there’s more than 2 barriers to worry about, that lamp is hard to kill, that Mei’s wall can’t be focused down or that you need to break more than one column. The enemy team needs to reload too, ignoring that reload times in Overwatch are generally short.

Across the board, people don’t shoot at barriers because they think it’s not worth it to shoot at barriers. And it’s a bad mindset. Just because you’re in diamond doesn’t mean you aren’t subject to it.

Technically that is not entirely true lol.

Ani-cancel FTW!

if you break orisa barrier, then sigma barrier, and then have to shoot down a
new orisa barrier within 8-10 seconds, congratulations thats now 3 barriers you have to break in one push! also actual triple barrier was a thing when sym was meta, lol guess you forgot about that too.

I’m literally the person on my team each game yelling to focus down the enemy barrier(s). I still do this. nice try tho

this entire discussion was regarding the double barrier meta when both sigma and orisa had way too much shield health before the big nerfs. they were literally the exception to the focus their barriers playstyle, that’s what this whole thread was discussing! you continued to assert that focusing down both barriers back then was the appropriate thing to do when in fact it was not. everyone who even played true barrier meta knows this what were you even trying to argue? well whatever rank you did play at, this was certainly was not the case for diamond and masters and gm

Cause they did an awful job of implementing shield tanks to compete with Rein and the fun of his gameplay.

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I know this is a grave bump, but…

Rein is the only barrier tank again, and everyone is complaining


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A good prediction tho aye

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