Remember bastion's rework?

Developer Comments: The goal of these changes is to move some of Bastion’s power from Configuration: Sentry to Recon, while keeping its sentry mode a strong option, especially versus tanks and barriers.

especially versus tanks and barriers

Sound familiar? These are the patch notes from long ago when bastion first got his rework. Bastion was supposed to be a strong option versus tanks and the only tank you want to be in sentry mode for is winston. How are you going to take down those barriers by yourself? I would honestly like to know.


His kit feels counter productive, he counters himself!

  • I have to be in the back in order to not get hooked/ etc

  • my spread is too large; so i have to be close

  • I have to dig up on the spot to get max damage

  • I have to retreat very often to survive


Sentry mode is incredibly strong against barriers and Tanks that’s true, the problem is that he becomes a sitting target for enemy fire to concentrate fire on

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I feel like they should give bastion his headshots and spread back, but put sentry mode on a cooldown so protect the president comps don’t overpower the meta.

I had a rework idea where his tank/sentry modes were tied to a “battery:” meter that recharged during recon

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I had a similar rework idea where he could swap freely among his forms to act like a offense, defense, tank, or support hero when needed. The catch was that self-repair would be turned into some sort of ally healing mode.

But then you would get the issue of having sniper Sentry back, how does one go about buffing Sentry without bringing that back?

I do love how counter-productive Blizzard reworks always end up being.



As a Bastion main, I know this sounds a little weird… But think about this for a few seconds…

What if Bastion could go into sentry any time, Stay in sentry, But the moment that the entire clip is fired, You are auto reverted to recon?
With a slight cooldown on Transforming back afterwards, And a reload built in?

I’m grasping at straws by now… :smile_cat:
But unless they revert Sentry’s Bullet spread, And headshots…
We have to throw around ideas…

Or both, both is good.

I have thrown out every idea i can think of, And read the others… X3
But Something must be done before i yell it out from a mountain top.

Where Are You Blizzard?!?! Where’s The Talk About Bastion?!

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Rework Bastion’s sentry mode into a tank killer -> It becomes worse against tanks.

Rework a better tank -> Make her squishier and turn her into a fat DPS.

Rework Mercy to be more engaging to play -> Make her ultimate boring to use.

Rework Sombra to be more potent in team fights -> Make her worse in team fights.


Bastion’s reload is two seconds. That’s two seconds of being a stationary helpless target. Forcing Bastion into Recon mode after emptying the magazine would just be clunky, and nothing would stop the player from standing still and then re-transforming into Sentry. It would just feel awkward. Removing Ironclad should be enough of a compensation for getting Bastion’s damage back, because without Ironclad, snipers and Pharah can easily take out a Bastion before Bastion has a chance to move away, and Tracer could one-clip Bastion by shooting the critical area behind Sentry mode.

What Bastion needs is his old Sentry mode back in its entirety. No Ironclad, tight bullet spread, headshots. The only way for Bastion to be safe is to be outside 20 meters range to avoid stuns, hooks, and instant mobility. Ironclad doesn’t help Bastion stay safe unless Ironclad is made so strong that he gets frustrating to fight against. Range is what helps Bastion stay safe, and his current Sentry gun simply isn’t effective at ranges which are safe for Bastion.

Oh i remember that. The problem with recon is that you are a bad Soldier 76, no mobility, you can`t damage while healing yourself and your hitbox is the size of the moon. If Bastion main power is in recon, why not grab Soldier instead?


Don’t get me wrong, i Completely agree That the only thing Bastion needs is a Revert on Sentry…

I’m just throwing out ideas, I DO think that my idea in particular would be Clunky… But hey, Gotta try something…

Oh, And by auto reload i meant without the Animation… As crazy as that sounds… X3 But yea, Clunky nonetheless…

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The solution is simple…



In all reality, This might work…

With a Sentry Revert.

Literally probably still UP at the end of it.

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I think:

Current sentry
180* lock
Personal shield at 300 health.

This would make him a little more reliable in close range.

No 180 lock… o-o please no… Every flanker known to man would Shred bastion to bits…

Also a Sentry revert would help… It really would…

I never even played Beta Bastion, But i know it was so Under powered because of The rotation lock, that they changed it for that very reason…

Also, Bastion Needs To be reliable at Further ranges, It just makes no sense to have a “Close Range” High dps, That cannot move.

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I would like the revert too, but bastion’s headshot … “laser” was really powerful. What if we had it so his spread would reduce the longer he was shooting in sentry? Like if he shoots for 2 seconds his aim would reduce back to its original accuracy without adding back headshots?

Headshots could be brought back with a slight Spread reduction… Not exactly what it was, But a LOT Tighter than it is now… Trust me, Bastion feels HELPLESS Against anyone up close, Or peaking around a corner.

I made a post about this, Listing why and how Every other defensive character can Punish these specific behaviors, Except for Bastion… Not like he used to.

And that is the main purpose of a defensive character, To punish brash and out of place heroes… and lock down areas.

Leave this in the good hands of the Bastion mains. :smirk_cat:
I personally have over 100 hours put into this torturous character…
And trust me when i say, That Bastion Should always counter low health flankers, And big juicy targets… But without headshots/Tighter spread, Both of those things become Very Hard to do.

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We just need to be careful, i don’t think he needed to be touched(reworked) at all. I think he needs to be able to punish flankers in recon, and use sentry to kill shield.

Give bastion a shotgun arm!