Remember 1 year ago when Genji was considered terrible

All good! I was tilted there so sorry as well.

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Someone gets it.

Genji does not have to guess where I am aiming my Flashbang. Why do I have to guess where his deflect is?


Yeah, there’s been a lot of Genji QQ posts today for some reason. I was expecting them to pretty much die out completely since he’s getting a counter every 4 months and is slowly getting pushed out of the meta.

It’s ok! It was pretty hard not to get tilted over that whole situation.

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Remember when DVa could swallow everything hog or pharah threw at her?

Because he has more counters than he did a year ago.

Sombra, Moira, Brigitte.

All heroes that have recently been made (or changed) and counter Genji.

The presence of counters from a character who previously had only two, doesn’t necessarily mean that he’s weaker.

Or does it? You certainly didn’t seem to think so of Widowmaker when I identified argument after argument showcasing pickrates, winrates, power creep (balance patch changes that tend to push the game away from her favor), and counter-escalation (where a hero was changed to soft-counter Widow).

Genji is fine. He’s almost as picked as Tracer is at the top level. He’s literally the 2nd most picked DPS.

He’s still the second most performing DPS hero by a large margin, both on the ladder at GM and on OWL (which apparently is the only metric that apparently matters, according to your other posts…)

He will still be able to hold the second spot, even in the presence of new heroes and counters. He could literally survive a Deflect nerf and still remain unchanged, because nothing is more powerful than an ability reset on a person you didn’t even explicitly kill.

A year ago at least at the pro level he was the 3rd most picked DPS.

I’m not saying Genji is bad, but he’s certainly not as good as he was before through indirect nerfs and no buffs to compensate.

If Widowmaker hadn’t received her cooldown reduction on her grapple, the scope speed buff and the Venom Mine giving her walls she probably would have been a terrible pick in the current meta, but she’s had buffs after her indirect nerfs, Genji has not.

Citation needed.

  • A stun will no longer cancel Genji’s Dragonblade ultimate, preventing the ultimate from having to be recast multiple times and him losing the opportunity to use it at all
  • Removed the attack delay from Genji’s wall climbing ability, allowing him to engage with enemies immediately after he finishes climbing.
  • Fixed a bug that gave Genji’s Dragonblade ability a slightly increased swing speed while at a higher latency. Dragonblade’s default swing speed has been slightly increased to compensate.

Was before his first indirect nerf, which was Moira being added, also was a change made purely to make it consistent with every other transformation ultimate, can’t be called a buff.

Was before his first indirect nerf.

"Fixed a bug", was also before his first indirect nerf.

A character being added is not an indirect nerf. The presence of another counter cannot be called an “indirect nerf”. Power creep maybe.

Unlike Widowmaker, who actually has to deal with more barriers which occupy space between her and her intended target, which is a substantiated “indirect” form of nerfing by nature of it being a separate entity that she has to worry about (Orisa’s barrier, Symmetra’s barrier, Brigitte’s barrier)…

Moira just existing for Genji is not indirectly nerfing him. It’s contingent solely on the player playing Moira, and didn’t impede his usage in practice.

In fact, around the same time that Moira was released, Genji’s pickrate INCREASED.

  • “Big Movers this Meta Report”

  • “Current Hero Meta Trends in Overwatch” Pre-release Moira

  • “Current Hero Meta Trends in Overwatch” Post-release Moira


Genji goes from being 33% picked in Grandmaster, to 40%.

Given that activation of his ultimate would literally put him out of commission every few seconds he was stunned and force him to recast, it was a buff. A QOL change to be sure, but also a buff.

See the infamous clip from OWL’s Effect that proves it was a buff…


Fixing a bug that caused a faster swing speed, but was common enough that people could feel and measure it, and then blanketly increasing the speed so that it was the same across all players, IS a buff.


Same goes for Reinhardt, whose patch notes were worded differently but still ended in the same net buff of a 10% swing speed increase;

  • Swing speed increased by 10%; Fixed hit registration issues; The sound effects on Reinhardt’s Bloodhardt, Blackhardt, and Wujing skins have been updated to reflect the use of an axe instead of a hammer.

You could argue that this change was a nerf rather than a buff, since if you get stunned and die, you no longer keep Dragonblade to reuse after, or if you got slept during the cast and the enemy Zenyatta ulted, you’d be able to simply Dragonblade after, despite you having your ult stopped.


Nerf /20char pls

Only if you’re bad. 20 characters

This was a change that was applied to all heroes globally.

This change did not cause Genji to specifically suffer from this change. He was not put in a worse standing than before.

In fact, he actually was one of the few characters that stayed where they were.

Projectile ult characters (Tracer, Mei, Zarya) and ground-proc characters (Lucio and Rein) were the only characters that substantially dropped to a worse standing than before the global change.

So it wasn’t a buff at all.

No. It’s just not a nerf.

On the relative scale of heroes that were affected negatively, if Genji was placed right next to Soldier and Sombra, then he didn’t go down from being between Soldier and Sombra. They all stayed right where they were relative to each other.

If anything, those three all shifted upwards, because Zarya/Mei/Tracer’s ultimates were negatively affected, putting them at the bottom. What used to be an occupied space, is now vacant and then properly occupied by the next 3 characters in line.

I get what you’re saying, but I’m gonna point out that theoretically Zarya’s ultimate was affected but in practise it’s basically impossible to shutdown a Zarya ult by killing/stunning her during the fractions of a second where the cast is active, I personally have never seen it happen ingame or seen an example of Zarya being stunned/killed and losing Graviton Surge.

Citation needed.

  • Boops off map (where she casts it as she’s about to cross the death barrier as a last ditch clutch effort)
  • Widow snipe/Hanzo Scatter
  • Hog hooking Zarya mid-cast
  • Rein charge
  • Any direct hit explosion

Zarya was one of my top 5 most played. Uncommon, sure, but not impossible.