Reinhardt Storm, Earth, and Fire achievement still not working

I was certain I was hitting the requirements over and over, but no achievement. I went back and looked at a game where there was no mistake, and had clean earthshatter, then firestrike, and then a charge/pin on the same enemy. No achievement.

had the same thing happed to me done the ach so many times and got so frustrated that I even uploaded a video showing that I did it correctly

Probably is buggy, it’s not impossible to get you may just need slightly better timing.

dont think its timing done it over 20 times and just wont award the ach . you can see my uploaded vid here Did Not Receive Overwatch Achievement

That is strange, yeah it’s probably just buggy I guess, video looked perfect for the achievement to me.

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So, I still never got the message about the achievement, and was showing it missing still today. I did complete reinhardts I am you shield achievement, and following the match I was showing both his achievements as complete. I did get the message for the I am your shield one, very buggy.

tried to give a possible explanation in that topic : Reinhardt Achievement Broke On All Platforms

maybe you can contribute sth or watch it for further updates

Happened to me 2 it’s annoying

I completed it a couple weeks ago, after initially thinking it was buggy.

You have to hit both the firestrike and pin before the enemy fully gets up from the earthshatter. The pin doesn’t count if they get up first.

Since the timing has to be super fast, I only hit the achievement when hitting earthshatter (then firestrike and pin) on an enemy that was super close in front of me when I started the sequence.