Reinhardt shield issue (Featuring Brigitte!)

You have your shield up as Reinhardt, and as Brigitte now as well. If you are moving, like moving forward, perhaps towards an enemy to attack, and you drop your shield, there is a chance you will suddenly be facing the opposite direction. Firestrikes missed, ultimates wasted. It’s a glitch that I’ve dealt with on ps4 as well as PC. I’ve noticed it’s only when you are in motion that it turns you, but it does happen often, every few times you drop your shield.

This has been an issue for some time. So long, in fact, I thought it was just my controller acting up for the longest time. On PC, I figured maybe it was bad controller support or something, which is fine. It didn’t happen often. But, then I heard my friends saying they had the issue too and suddenly, it got worse. And even spread to Brigitte. It’s something I could deal with before, but, I can’t take either of them to competitive without fear of messing things up for my team.

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Hey, I have kind of a megathread for this bug. If you have any videos or highlights with it after v1.29 please upload them (You can use or ) and i will add them to the thread.

I’ll see if I have anything captured and if not try and get something. Thanks!