Reinhardt needs love

hello there, this is a cry post.
I’ve been playing OW often in short periods, still got over 200h on rein (the only hero i play since i like melee stuff) but i’m not like playing much more since i just cant do anything in games.
the amount of cc and bugs like mei’s fake freeze makes u feel just like a pinhata. if rein hasnt lucio and ana in the team + zarya he will literally play a corpse run game. under that many amount of games i think he needs something, maybe a pasive for any% cc reduction, higher move speed when swinging ( u just cant even 2nd atack if your first was at max range due to the knock back) or even more dmg since it takes at least 4 attacks to kill something if it’s not getting healed, wont say anything about doomfist who u can only kill with charge if he is not shielded.
I really enjoyed rein when it was viable but the last games i have played i just feel like a ball with a shield that gets broken in the time i get to a wall or pillar. maybe rein really needs some love or maybe rest of the players learned how to deal with it, anyway i dont see anyone playing it rather than pros with compositions, im just a casual who likes maces and shields doesnt matter if QP or ranked.


What are you saying they added a passive on ptr where he receives 30% fewer knockbacks.


Omg… seems like this person doesn’t care about reading patch notes…

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havent any idea about ptr stuff, im not that deep, but your answer helps me a lot. tyvm

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You’re welcome, don’t worry this Rein buff makes him a lot better.

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