Reinhardt *needs* CC Resistance

I mean, it doesn’t literally kill you to waste your grenade, but everyone in the tri-state area will take it as a sign that they need to dive McCree RIGHT NOW. So in practice, it gets you killed a lot, at least if you do it near the enemy team.

That also depends on where you do it and who’s around

Well, yeah.

But my point was that at least it’s usually dangerous, where wasting/whiffing the shield bash is not, partially due to the shield itself, and partially because of the short cooldown. It doesn’t really deserve to be a stun ability.

I hadn’t really thought that! I don’t know. That definitely should still be viable as an option against bunker comps with Rein or Orisa. Hmmmmm

Maybe hers should be an exception on the basis that it’d be a passive that’s activated by pressing a button like wall-climb.

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Brig is really bad at 2v1 since shield bash is single target you could be walking up to rein’s team and if the rein is competent he could call the McCree or brig out and his team would burst either of them giving free ult charge distance also matters since pelting at shield can deter her from attacking temporarily

This is a bug.

Orisa and DVA shouldn’t have a resistance to knockbacks when they are shooting.

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It doesn’t really matter, because Brig should never not be around her team anyway.

I just don’t think CC-resistance is a good idea.

I was thinking maybe make Reinhardt shield walk through or even add some type of kinetic damage when enemies walk through Reinhardt’s barrier.

I don’t know.

Ohhh. It’s been around for quite a while lol, wonder why they haven’t fixed it yet

Why wouldn’t you be around your team also then?

I was talking to my friends two days ago.

I thought of the same thing you mentioned about Rien holding his shield, it is a good idea actually that if he holds his shield, he get like fortify effect ( not totally negate the CC ).

Imagine booping an Orisa while she is firing, she will not get booped away the same as Rien, this is what I want for Rien atm, this armored guy should be heavy, way too heavy.

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So how would you outplay him?

U can stun and boop, it will work on him, but boops will be a little weak against him. he should be a little stronger there.

They are planning to fix it, but I don’t know when.
Right now does a lot of players think it’s an intended feature of those heroes.

I think Reinhardt could benefit from something similar to this bug.

Boop doesn’t have that good of a push distance

How about an ability called something like “Iron Wall” for Rein.

It would be mapped the same as Shield Bash and be on a similar cooldown, but it turns Reins shield physical so that nothing can come through it, and it stops taking damage too (but does not count towards downtime for recharging shield).

It would stop things like enemy Rein primary and Flame Strike, Brigitte Swings and Shield Bash, Doomfist punches, Winston gun, Genji ult, and anything that usually went through his shield.

This would help him, but also wouldn’t stop the more skillful stuns like a McCree flashbang above the shield.

That, is a band-aid fix ignoring the actual problem.
instant stuns going through shields is the problem. i’d prefer stuns in general didn’t go through shields at all but doomfist’s punch, what are ya gonna do with it apart from change his stun mechanic to something else.
like trapped where it just blocks movement abilities but then abilities like wraith, fade and ice-block all can be used to prevent the wall damage after being punched.

That would really eff up my lucio game. A huge move is to get behind the shielding rein and boop him away or into your team. But the big guy definitely needs love.

If anything, I feel like it got a stealth nerf to its push force, after they changed airstrafing, which was another stealth boop nerf

Rein needs anti-CC during charge and when holding his shield.

He also needs a new ability that knocks enemies away from him, like his squire.