Reinhardt, my God can anyone deny it at this point?

Like the charge bug, fire-strike will also hit enemys that are behind Reinhardt. I suspect it’s the same hitbox bug… So basically his entire kit is bugged.

Yes… Sad to see the state he is in.

Oh I also played Rein, 10 matches yesterday, Shield instantly deleted, Brig stun was enough to melt me before I could put my shield up.

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Indeed. I just want to be fair when it comes to his bugs. Yes the Charge bug and fire-strike bug are “beneficial” to him but they are still bugs. I will always want what is best for the game, not what is best for my main hero.

Integrity will always be more healthy for these forums instead of bias rhetoric. That’s why I appreciate you, and everyone who has participated in this discussion concerning Reinhardt, it is coming from a place of caring for the entire game of Overwatch. We play with Reinhardt too.

And honestly, if there was another hero in this game whose entire kit was a bugged out mess, I’d be there too to speak out. Nobody deserves to play a bugged hero, or play along side a bugged hero.


My God that pulse bomb thing killed me 3 times in the same match. I could’ve sworn I had the shield in front of the stuck bomb and didn’t understood how I got killed. That’s how then, pathetic…

I also remember Rein’s shield holding on longer in the past (haven’t played him for ages). Nowadays it drops down to 0 in a matter of a couple of seconds, the power creep is real.

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Where does the whole idea of power creep in OW come from?

What exactly has increased in power compared to the earlier days?

It’s broken down Chronologically here:


The hog rof increase i do get, but the rest of it really isn’t power creep. (If only considering damage)

Be happy my crusader friend you only take 300 on my pulse bomb now!

Oh! But maybe pulse bomb was never the problem to begin with… :thinking:

im not saying rein doesnt need a buff, but that clip is just a another hero doing lucios work.

That is not the only way power creep enters into a game. It is done by adding new heroes, reworking heroes, and changing abilities, coodowns, spread, mobility, rof, and other ways. Reinhardt shield has never changed since launch, anyone who has played him since then till now can absolutely feel the power creep.

Maybe i just have a different understanding of the word - like booty bay bodyguard vs evil heckler in hearthstone (5 mana 5/4 taunt vs 4 mana 5/4 taunt)
But that’s just semantics anyway, i was just curious.

I love Reinhardt so much. But he desperately need bugfixes and buffs.
At every hero releases, he gets weaker and weaker.


Had a person tell me Reinhardt counters Briggite on a facebook group then blocked me when I started explaining to him how his statement is untrue :rofl:

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Adding a new hero that can spam a shield (Orisa) while buffing a hero that spams/dispalces a shield (Junkrat 2 mines), while buffing the Rof of another hero to spam a shield (Hog), while adding more CC in the game to help lower the shield (Briggy, Doomfist, Sombra, Junk mines, and now possibly Symmetra), while also having certain abilities going thru shields (Moira ult).

You certainly see a power-creep that certain heroes can adjust to and others are victims to. Reinhardt is a victim to it, other heroes have thrived in it.

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Yes this is exactly the problem. I might even say, Reinhardt is the biggest victim of the power creep.

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Reworks, new heroes and some buffs i do agree on, but i wouldn’t really say something like the 2 mine junk is a power creep (because of the way i play junk).
Rarely if ever would i use a mine on a rein shield.
But let’s not make a big deal out of this as we can all agree that rein needs help.

Indeed, that’s why I linked Promephius to the thread that chronologically breaks down how power-creep was brought into this game.

Junkrat’s mines are a high source of burst damage. At my rank of Plat, the mines and grenades are used together to burst down his shield, having 1 was less damage (having 2 to spam into a shield is INDEED power-creep. the damage potential increased. That even fights your hearthstone definition of power-creep).

Keep in mind too, because Reinhardt’s shield is bugged, the mines also go through his shield. Watch this video:

Reinhardt suffers the same problem against Junkrat as he does Tracer. His mines go thru his shield like pulse bomb.

Edit: I forgot to mention too that because Junkrat was buffed so his mines don’t cause damage to him anymore, it makes it easier/safer for a Junkrat to come face to face with a Rein shield and throw a mine with no self damage.


The mines have never hurt him, only his primary fire.

Ah good to know, still, everything else still stands. including that video I showed you.

He was making a joke about the apocalypse.