Reinhardt meta... as always

Wouldn’t be able to run Mei with DoubleBarrierTank, if Mei is a Tank, that helps Hammond a lot.

My goal isn’t just tank balance, it’s making the entire Tank Role more popular.

So if that means the Tank Role gets more impact. So be it.

Cause the game is dead if queue times stay bad.

DPS whined about double barrier cuz they couldn’t kill anything

Same. but as a tank I prefer to be able to pick 2 off tanks without throwing the game. So, making shield tanks more like a Zarya or current Sigma, would be my phylosophy if I would a dev. In other word, deleting the idea of “main tank”.

But it seems that Blizzard dont have that in mind, so they would just buff dive heroes to stop this old Rein meta.

Well, tbh, I didn’t like spamming shields as, or Hog or Orisa so I cant complain about dps players :sweat_smile:

So if they got an Orisa/Sigma at 350hp each, and you got a with a speed boost at 600hp and kinda 900hp.

And an amped speedboost with DefenceMatrix is all it takes to get the into close range.

You can’t see any advantage for the, in the ensuing close range brawl?

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I whined about double shield as a support main cause i couldn’t play anything! Brig, ana, zen, baptiste. Nope moira lucio mercy only.

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With the correct numbers that could work really well.

I would mind to see it in ptr one day. But I still think that it will be too stressful for shield heroes, and maybe boring for Rein players, cuz basically it will force you to stay shield boting.

Thanks, and yeah, probably isn’t perfect in the numbers. But GM will figure the meta out in 2 weeks. And they can throw out a balance patch every week until it’s good.

As for Rein, that’s why he’s 14% faster with his Barrier up. So he has less trouble getting into hammer range.

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Bap worked fine healing for a defensive bunker comp, but he had a hard time dealing any damage for sure.

I’m watching Gm matchs and there is a fair number of Orisa-Sigma games.

I’m a little dissapointed, I know that it wouldn’t be as oppressive as before, but I’m still waiting for more dive comps.

Coming from a Rein player, the main problem I see in the tank vs. tank matchup is that Rein can attack through every other tanks defenses except for zarya.

The only other tank that can attack through barriers is Winston. So Rein can reliably put pressure onto the enemy tanks when he’s face to face. An Orisa is going to have a hard time getting the damage through or around the rein.

Isn’t Dva one of the top 2 tank in GM right now?

People are shying away from Rein Zarya but are running Rein Dva now all of a sudden.

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I saw a few Dva players, maybe this week is more noticeable.
I hope that is true