I also used to think that, but let’s wait a while and see what’s these latest buffs did to him. They were pretty great.
That would be a valid point if his ultimate wasn’t Whole Hog
I also used to think that, but let’s wait a while and see what’s these latest buffs did to him. They were pretty great.
That would be a valid point if his ultimate wasn’t Whole Hog
Zarya can protect only 1 at the time and orisa was already discussed. Winston’s shield is just ridiculous so he is still an ult battery as well.
you still have to land the hook and depending on the ult team still take that dmage, d va Dm is much better at stoping ults than roadhogs ult .
What do you base whole hog being bad on? While it doesn’t secure many kills, I would argue it is one of the best cc ults in the game and I enjoy using it
But dm also needs to be aimed and dva is not always with her team, as she is a more dive oriented character
DVA does not need a nerf or a buff. Just leave her alone. We already have to kill her twice for no reason. Yet we do not have to do the same for roadhog which i personally find insane since neither have what you can call a barrier. DVA has matrix and mobility oh wow Hog can heal a little but oh wait hes been stunned/crit so much it doesn’t matter. Rein will be GREATER once brig and doomfist cannot make him a ragdoll.
If you’re a bad D.Va. You are supposed to dive with your teammates, you know? You also have Boosters.
Did you know 6 man dives are not very common? Dva does not dive with her entire team in every comp, I would argue very few times she dives with the entire team. Dm is not a 360 degree ring around dva of all ults dissapearing, it does take timing and being in the right position. This is why dva is fine, so is roadhog. If dva is constantly with her team all the time in every comp, then you are playing dva wrong
But you have Boosters. You can reach anywhere in 15 meters really quickly, and you have DM you have an even bigger window of range. Plus, in a dive, the supports are all positioned in a place hard to flank. She has a lot of time to get there and save her teammates. I play both Ana and D.Va, so that’s what i’m saying by experience. If your support doesn’t suck you have a significant window of time to help.
Correct. It is a 120 ring. You only need to face the opponent, not aim it.
You know D.Va is played with Rein frequently, yeah? I also don’t think I can get away by playing Fat Genji in high Diamond. I’m ~3400 so i’m doing fairly okay, I suppose.
I do know this, I main rein and dva. You don’t just sit and babysit rein all the time though, you have to challenge anyone on high ground as rein can’t, or challenge longer range heroes that he can’t hit. This was not what I was arguing about though.
My original post was that hog can also block ults and is not helpless. Yes dva blocks ults, it is part of her role as a tank. So can hog and he blocks different ults than dva, so they have different off tank roles.
This was a poorly written phrase on my part. I should have said dva needs to be positioned better than hog to stop ults. Hog can hook anyone as long as he can see them and they are in range. Dva needs to be in front of the ult and in dm range for it to stop it. I would say the requirement is fairly similar and as easy or hard for each.
I also misread this, but are you comparing dm to whole hog at stopping ults? That makes no sense at all
I meant hook typing on this laptop is annoying.
Then nerf his ultimate. No reason the only conventional main tank in the game that gets picked because of moving barrier must also have the best tank ult (after Grav nerf) that farms so fast and only reliably countered by another Rein.
Okay, I agree dva stops more ults, but in your original post you said he has no counter play to ults, that is not true
earth shatter is also one of the most inconsistent ult in the game.
I want roadhog to be better tank. give him an ability that stop enemy from gaining ult charge while shotting roadhog.
He has that in take a breather, it halves the amount ult charge enemies gain while he uses it
I am all for fixing it’s inconsistencies. An extremely powerful ultimate should not be balanced by an odd chance of failure.
The OP has some very good points. I don’t think any of the tanks need nerfs.
Here’s what I posted in another thread about main tanks and Reinhardt:
There are 7 heroes in the tank category, of those only 3 are main tanks.
Reinhardt, Orisa and Winston.
Winston is the dive main tank, so he is used mostly for dive compositions.
Rein and Orisa are the anchor tanks, but Orisa is very immobile so she is more suited for defensive positions., but she is vurnerable to swarm attacks like goats or dive.
So why is Reinhardt’s pick rate so high?
Because dive is no more the prevalent composition and there is so little choice of main tanks to pick from.
Now go compare that to the dps category, that has 15 heroes with many choices for different situations. This is a more healthy number to see if one hero is overperfoming or not.
As far as Reinhardt goes, he is suffering greatly from the massive amount of cc in the game and damage power creep. He is the least fun character to play with, but he is necessary because there are no alternatives.
Go try playing Reinhardt and come back tell me how fun it was that 3/4 of the time you can’t control your character.
In the OWL World Cup finals, where the top players compete, he had a healthy 33% pick rate despite Goats comp being the flavor of the season, now compare that to Dva 98% and Winston 57% in the tank category.
Why there absolutely must be a main tank in every comp? The game does not tell us anything about this, as well as what tanks can be considered main and what cannot.
Did I miss a developer openly saying that main tank is mandatory?
Because shields are immensely powerful. It is required for a reason. It is mandatory on practice.