Reinhardt and D.Va aren't overpowered

The OP has some very good points. I don’t think any of the tanks need nerfs.

Here’s what I posted in another thread about main tanks and Reinhardt:

There are 7 heroes in the tank category, of those only 3 are main tanks.
Reinhardt, Orisa and Winston.

Winston is the dive main tank, so he is used mostly for dive compositions.
Rein and Orisa are the anchor tanks, but Orisa is very immobile so she is more suited for defensive positions., but she is vurnerable to swarm attacks like goats or dive.

So why is Reinhardt’s pick rate so high?
Because dive is no more the prevalent composition and there is so little choice of main tanks to pick from.
Now go compare that to the dps category, that has 15 heroes with many choices for different situations. This is a more healthy number to see if one hero is overperfoming or not.

As far as Reinhardt goes, he is suffering greatly from the massive amount of cc in the game and damage power creep. He is the least fun character to play with, but he is necessary because there are no alternatives.
Go try playing Reinhardt and come back tell me how fun it was that 3/4 of the time you can’t control your character.

In the OWL World Cup finals, where the top players compete, he had a healthy 33% pick rate despite Goats comp being the flavor of the season, now compare that to Dva 98% and Winston 57% in the tank category.

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