Rein pickrate went DOWN 7%

I didn’t think he got nerfed on the last PTR, so why did everyone just stop playing him? Is it all the knockback changes, or is Orisa just better?

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Maybe everyone is sick to death of being forced to play him to win.


Maybe that’s what is with all the Hammond recently…


They’re probably tired of being airbourne all the time. Might aswell play pharah instead


people started playing Orisa, Winston and Hammond again, he’s still really strong


Anyone who understands Rein knows he is enable by the synergistic qualities of the heroes around him. His weaknesses are covered through other heroes. Those other heroes got nerfed, so his effectiveness is reduced. Rein has always been as good as his teammates enable him and team composition well to enable him.

This is actually more proof that Rein is one of the most balanced hero in the game. Like some of us were saying from the very beginning when all these crying nerf Rein threads kept popping up.


The changes are still fresh. Think it’s a combination of many MTs being sick of playing him constantly for a year, and people wanting to test out newly buffed Orisa and Ball.

I called this one early :slight_smile:

While nothing happened to Rein directly, a lot of his best friends got nerfs that specifically apply to him, and a lot of his worst enemies got buffs that specifically apply to him.

The big ones IMO are Lucio speed nerf and Junkrat buffs. Anything that puts more Rats on the field is bad news for Rein.

The main thing might be the boop change, though. I’m not feeling good about that one atm, but I’m not doomsday about it, at least not yet. For the moment, I am still maining Rein.

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He hadn’t gotten any big buff when dive was gone. And he wasnt used in maps with lots if high ground already

You can thank Hammond for that

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Hammond is an awesome hero, I will thank him for being awesome.
Thank you Hammond.


I think you can mostly blame lucio nerf for that


Lord knows I’m tired of being forced to pick rein. Win or lose be darned I flat out refuse.


The heroes who synergise with Rein got nerfed and Hammond became a fair alternative.

Wait, are you talking about Rein the hero or Bumper and the Vancouver Titans? :joy:

He is still very popular in most ranks and there’s barely been a drop in his pickrate below Masters.

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I main rein, took a break from the game due to not having fun. Not sure if ill come back.

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IMO this applies to crying buff rein threads as well (e.g. during dive). Imagine what kind of (amazing-haired) monster he’d be now if he had been buffed as suggested - sounds awesome to play as but not good for the game.

I saw a Rein today who attempted to use shatter, somehow got booped up into the air so high he had a good 3 seconds of hangtime, to finally come down with his ult still dropping only to find the payload had reached its destination during that time.

Yeah, no thanks.


laughing so much at all the nerf rein threads calling him the cause of goats. “Second Most swapped off and replaceable hero in goats” = “he causes goats” rein falls in and out of meta based on other heroes viability. He doesn’t cause metas.