Rein just pinned me against my own mauga

I thought it would cancel charge and save ana…thank god i never tried it

Rein just pinned me against my own mauga


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very original, very funny, it never gets old

You do realise to them, neither does your reaction.

Putting all that aside, why are you shocked regarding this game mechanic? Makes sense.

Does it?if doom punches me against my orissa does it count as a wall if she fortifies?turning allies into hazards does not seem like a good idea

I was playing lucio once when I got sucked out of the air into a Rein charge, only to be smushed between two charging Reinhardts.

They both got up, waved at each other, and t-bagged me :rofl:

Not sure if extremely lucky or unlucky. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Rip :headstone:

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How is that common knowledge, when he is relativly new hero, supports like me don´t play him most likely and he doesn´t have golden aura like Orisa, when doing this? xD

Yes, it does.

Of course. You’re being slammed onto a solid object.

That’s not what is happening though. The hazard is you getting pinned all the time. Fix your positioning and/or skills.

Positioning?cant control the position of the orissa m8

You control your position in relation to the rein.

I think we have found the issue, the top two inches.

So u give a generic advice even tho u dont know the play?or anything?or do you want me to believe u never get pinned by rein or punched by doom because of position9ng?u must be playing against bots then

His unstoppable charge comes up a lot if you play a character with any cc. It took me a few games to stop trying to countercharge him with Brig (it’s instinctual at this point).

Aesthetically, it annoys the heck out of me that he has a different interaction as compared with every other character with a charge ability. It also bugs me that the gigantic armored dude isn’t the one with the unstoppable charge. But, I get that he needs it from a balance perspective, and gameplay trumps aesthetics.

As I said, I was being paranoid - always thought that he jumped over my sleep dart with that final jump xD even tho I KNEW, that I aimed it right. For some reason, I thought it´s the same as Rein´s charge.


What more do I need to know where this is happening to you so much you’re making angry, confused posts about it on the forum as if the game is the problem rather than you? Seems pretty simple to me.

I never said I absolutely, never get pinned but I’m not complaining about it either or interactions after said pin. Off the top of my head I can’t even remember the last time I got pinned, to be fair.

Once I saw a Rein charging for my fellow Zen. As Brig, I dashed to stun the rein and save my Zen. My Zen got squished between us and died. RIP.

EDIT: I forgot I had a video. youtu(.)be/y5XsGfbUdNg


So u assuming, stop projecting ur skill lvl on to others m8.
The intereaction is whack, doesnt matter if u have perfect positioning and a rein tps behind u with a charge or if ur a bot and just w in his face

Anything that acts as a wall, takes charge as such.
So, golden Orisa is a wall, a shield bashing Brig (trying to counter, I do this a lot), a punching doom, another Rein charge. If it would halt the Rein’s charge, it counts as a wall. Not like being flashed, as that’s not a wall. That’s an interrupt.


Anyone have water? Need something to help clear off all the salt op keeps leaving around the game and forums

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u again?havent u been suspended yet?how many days since ur last suspention ended?