Rein is over powered

go read the edit : o im sorry i thought it would be more clear

sure lol sounds fun rein can come out on top very easily in that matchup along with a bunch of other heros

The Brig tears brought out the 1v1 bro’s now. Oh how far we have fallen.

haha i have a lot of people ask me to 1v1 in league and when i say yes they suddenly go silent.

The MOST BUGGED character is overpowered I believe that when torbjorn becomes the most played character.

You shouldn’t be losing to Brigitte as Pharah or Junkrat. If you do, that’s definitely a personal problem.

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I’m going to take cover until overtime then claim the objective and just type “Just keep your distance from the objective LOOOLL 4Head” as I capture it. Shield should last long enough for me to capture the point.

So what you’re telling me is that you’ve never seen Brigitte try to fight Pharah

I don’t need to kill her. All I need to do is make sure I don’t take splash damage or get booped off the point. But honestly though I could probably kill Pharah if I tried.

yeah, i hate when reinhardt burst heals and add armour to the enemy team so you can’t kill them. it’s so op!

thats not really what most people complain about when it comes to brig though

if you wana nerf the armor slightly go ahead

ok ive added you do you wana 1v1 ?

yeah, you are right, what people complain about is the CC she brings and how unfun is to play against it

i do think we need more forms of anti cc

i think it would really open up more gameplay mechanics options im excited at the prospect

also buffing sombra would help with brig tbh?

I honestly don’t and even if I wanted to I would have to reinstall the game. It’s a waste of time… I’ve already moved on to Battlerite.

lmfao what the heck dude i was all ready to 1v1

don’t ask to 1v1 unless you are ready to accept…

I’m actually so confused right now

I don’t really know what to think anymore, this is supposed to be satire, right?

yes, its satire. rein is not really op.

I knew that you were going to chicken out.
“Uuuh Brig is so OP, I 1v1 you with her against any hero bring it on!111!!!”
OP actually accepts the request -
“Uhhh Ahhh No ehhrrm I already moved on to another game…uuuh naah”

Hahahahaha dude, for real.

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