Rein is now a bigger problem hero than Mercy

Ana being the one most in fire is scary thing here, more and more people will realize how OP she is and will abuse her.

well people with skill.

Look at the GM stats and you’ll see mercy is still #1 on pick rate as many have said its literally just the current meta. the easiest way to debunk him being op is his only buffs have been his new ult and a swing speed buff the latter of which was during dive meta. Rein is part of the meta but not the cause it’s really that simple.

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ult change isnt a buff btw, its both a buff and nerf.

Also, to those thinking rein needs a nerf, a good example of high pickrate =/= op: Old mercy pre rework was seen as one of the worst supports but still had #1-#3 pickrate in every rank. And reins a tank so hes absolutely mandatory on a team, and tanks have very limited variety, so theres the whole pickrate reason for him ‘needing to be nerfed’ debunked.

back in the day, you could choose wiston or rien for main tank, now we have orisa as well even hamonned is being played as main with a diva in no shield comps

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back in the day, and still today, no one below diamond can play winston even semi competently. as well as hammond.

Showing stats and claiming a character is OP doesn’t prove anything.

Why is he OP? Does his ULT make him OP?

If you can’t back it up with facts that means it’s an opinion.

Sorry for the belayed response but I had to run an errand.

I have never said anything about the sniper META. Not for or against it. The singular thing I cared about from any sniper hero was Scatter Arrow…and now its gone :slight_smile: .

Reinhardt would die, if he didn’t have a 2000 hit point shield. His health in this scenario is irrelevant. Unless you want it halved or something stupid like that.

Crowd Control is a problem. Thing is, its a bigger problem for those behind the shield then it is for Reinhardt. The current CC in the game revolves mainly around displacement not stuns or roots. I was in a game on Nepal Sanctum and had Junkrat mine me up, followed by a Lucio boop, into a Doomfist uppercut, and lastly another Junkrat mine. 4 displacements until I finally fell to my death down the huge hole, all the while being as high as Pharah. Personally I don’t want crowd control reduction, I want diminishing returns on displacement. Being displaced kept me out of the fight longer then death would have. That is a major issue, and one Reinhardt cannot solve on his own.

By the way I have 65 hours on Orisa. She is my third most played Hero. I know when to swap to counter CC.

In a meta where there is so much damage and cc and we Orisa who absolutely shines in that area but isn’t played and can even walk out of a graviton surge compared to a Rein? I think there’s some problems there - maybe the other tanks just need to be buffed.

The issue with orisa is purely mobility and being able to be focused, for example in a matchmaking situation a reaper can walk in on you but you either have to try to step in and out of shield or back up without one rein can do both even with reduced movement speed. Furthering that you have to deal with zarya just being better than hog and rein being able to get charge for her while orisa really can’t.

Your post doesn’t really make sense…Reinhardt also has no mobility - all he can do is swing his hammer around if a Reaper tries to 1v1 him. Orisa could halt and fortify him and give her a better chance - but they’re both equally countered in a 1v1 situation like that. Yes and Zarya is better than hog especially since she can get charge through Rein’s shield…so maybe it’s time for Orisa/Hog buffs instead of one tank having 11% pick rate? When Mercy had 11% pick rate she got nerfed and the other supports got buffed, don’t see why something like that shouldn’t happen here since Orisa/Hog is useless on every map besides 2 and Winston/Dva is extremely team comp dependent and easily countered.


Brig has the highest winrate of any hero if your “Overbuff” is even accurate. Which it isnt. Every hero in quick play has a 100% win rate, so tell me again that overbuff is an accurate representation of the community.

Well that just tells us she’s niche.

She’s least picked healer in Bronze and Silver.
Second least picked in every rank other than Masters, but Lucio overtakes her again in GM.

She’s not an important meta pick anymore.

Your in gold, a rank where almost nobody uses the voice chat. Its obvious that at your rank rein will be a problem because there isnt enough coordination to play the other main tanks effectively. Rein by himself loses to orisa and winston in terms of main tanking, but the hanzo and brig meta props him up. Now think back to reinhardt’s relevance in the year of dive. Dive goes away for 2 months, then you start complaining that rein needs nerfs? Obvious bias right there. Now the meta is going back to dive. And your still complaining? How about you look into the pickrates during dive. During stage 1 and 2 of owl, dva’s pickrate was over 95%, but nobody complained about nerfs then, so why are you blind to the fact that rein is the meta? He doesnt need anything changed other tha his bugs. (Which most of them are latency related btw)

D.Va’s cannons, and Rocket boost damage were both nerfed on the back of those pick rates.

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hohohohohohohoho that’s rich. rein has been subpar the entirety of the game until the last 2 seasons.

you yourself admit that mercy was a problem hero in this post.

Rein is not enabling anything, with dive being able to run around him, and brig making it impossible for him to keep his shield up for more than 7 seconds.

Sorry, mercy got brought down to the normal level that other heros are on. it doesn’t make rein an issue.

Rein sees almost 0 play in pro play. he isn’t even meta at the moment. but sure. tell yourself he is the issue when all of a sudden a whole new wave of viable play styles come through when mercy is nerfed.


Sure, keep quoting you little “stat page” that doesnt mean anything anymore. If thats how your playing, then in gm brig is twice as relevent as moira. Brig is easily countered, so people switch off, but people also switch to brig as a counter to other heroes. Sure, shes niche, but she shuts down a lot of heroes that would body rein, such as tracer. Her pulse bomb nerf was BECAUSE it hirt rein too much, and brig helps to put dive away. Dive counters rein, so yea, brig is niche because nobody plays dive anymore.

Actually, it was just an extremely minor nerf to her missiles, which doesnt change anything about her relevance

A 22% nerf is “extremely minor?” Could’ve fooled me when we’ve had multiple threads (at least one of which had 100+ likes) complaining about a compensated 25% nerf to Zarya’s Graviton. (I guess that extra 3% is the magic threshold.)

Or how a mere, a miserly, a pathetic 20% increase to Lucio’s aura size seems to be helping him enter the meta again.

Not even touching Mercy’s 17% healing reduction.

Zarya’s nerfs are actually buffs in the hands of a skilled player. The grav change doesnt have that much of an effect especially considering how a smaller grav is a stronger grav. Would you rather have 6 players pulled all together so that you cant kill anything or a 2 man grav with both healers to immediately end the fight without any wasted dragonstrikes just to secure the 6 man. Besides, the charge decay rate is a huge buff to zarya players because it allows you to hold on to bubbles longer meaning you can save bubbles for saving your teamates instead of just using them for charge. Im a zarya player. I should know