Rein doesn't need a nerf but If he did

Remove the 50 damage he gets for bumping you with his charge. The hitbox on it can be pretty ridiculous and it makes no sense that something so stupid can cause you to die if your health is low enough.

The primary target for emergency nerfs has been Earthshatter.

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Best “nerf” for Reinhardt would be buffing Orisa and blocking 3Healers at hero select screen.

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The studio is burning jeff! What do we do?!


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Orisa and Reinhardt are not interchangeable.

They may both be shield tanks, but they don’t do the same job.


Perhaps, but Orisa would be a lot better if she could take away some Rein usage.

With buffs like this:

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sorry i can’t do it, not even for fun

That would certainly be interesting.

Make it 400 HP or something for moving it around and it had some sort of bunker ability where it would re-instance itself into the ground.