Recent Seagull video and Competitive concerns

So, this is probably going to be a long one because there’s a fair bit to discuss but I’ll try to keep it concise.

For those of you who haven’t seen it, Seagull recently posted up a video talking about his frustrations and concerns with the current state of Overwatch, which while has been a topic of a lot of discussion within the main bulk of the community is now being addressed by those who work closer with the devs themselves. This was then followed up by a much longer video going into more depth and discussion with other prominent Overwatch streamers/OWL figures. Your Overwatch did a pretty good job of summing it up in their analysis, saying that Competitive in it’s current state is trying to cater to too many crowds and failing at all of them simultaneously.

Honestly I agree with a lot of the points that have been brought up, and there’s a few things i want to add, and also get feedback and discussion on. From my perspective, the experience of Competitive in Overwatch is largely a shambles in its current state, where solo queue often feels like you have to try and pull a stable composition out of 3+ support/tank/DPS mains with few people communicating on comms and refusing to group up, while the experience of LFG being people not communicating even when they actively have mics and however the SR “balancing” is rated. I’m going to talk about LFG and grouping up as I have flat out given up with trying to solo queue into competitive games at this point.
From what I’ve found in group settings (I’m currently in Platinum) is that when the LFG recommends people joining by their SR range in accordance to the leader who has set up the lobby, the SR discrepancy between the highest and the lowest in the group can often result in harsher penalties and lower rewards for those who are in higher end of the group SR rating, due to being placed in games where the average SR is rated lower than their actual SR and judges them accordingly. I’m surprised that the LFG system doesn’t have a function that lets everyone in the lobby see what the SR ranges are, as I’ve played in lobbies where the SR +/- has been 150 but I’ve ended up playing in games with people with 2200 SR unknowingly, then the games being judged harsher on my end as a result due to the system judging the games to be “easier” from my perspective. I understand to an extent why this happens, but it’s incredibly frustrating when i can win a close game and gain 15 SR while losing a close game i drop 35 SR even when my own statistics (from what i can see of them anyway, since we as players don’t even have access to the vast majority of useful statistics) have been fairly good, and I know a number of other people who have found confusing and inconsistent SR payouts from wins regardless of whether they were a complete wipeout or a close match.

While I’m not going to talk about specific character balancing (because i have gripes with Doomfist among other things) the point about hard counters has now locked players into a position of either change or effectively throw, with Tracer/Brigitte being a prime example of this. Some of the subtlety of play has been lost as a result and players will end up getting toxic at people playing off-meta characters very quickly as a result, which is a shame considering the sheer variety of the roster and the possible tactics that can be pieced together if it wasn’t such a hard counter game in it’s current state.

I also do want to talk about the rising number of smurf accounts following the Humble Bundle sale, as there is a lot more of them now coming onto the ladder in recent weeks following the sale, and also a rise in toxicity from players who have either been banned getting a new account for cheap and being toxic towards people, or from players who have multiple accounts specifically to have an account for trolling/throwing, or for playing with lower SR friends when their main is significantly higher, which in both cases causes extreme frustration and has caused me to not touch the game for several days after.

Ideally the community need better ways of building connections with groups of people who have a similar mindset in the competitive ladder, with guilds/clans being an obvious solution to this. My concern however is that after Blizzcon and the dev panels there Jeff Kaplan stated they wanted it to affect more than just Overwatch which counter to their previous comments regarding the implementation of the LFG system of “crawl, walk, run” mentality of new features, and would also significantly slow down the much needed feature at a point where there is a much greater need for player agency in their experiences.

There are other problems with the game currently (recycled events, lack of content outside of events, endorsement system effects wearing off and rising toxicity) that i’ll probably cover in a different post, but given how much i have enjoyed Overwatch and have love playing it I’m starting to run out of patience with the issues. I’d really like to hear from others on their thoughts as the whole issue of ranked has been annoying me for a few months now.

the game is cancerous.
In every sense

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Seagull’s timing was fortuitous since the devs were dropping a PTR toning down how punishing Brigitte’s stun is and also clearing out more of Doomfist’s movement lockdowns (smart nerfs: he did not need them and they are very frustrating to be hit with) making his kills a bit less “free”.

I agree with him that ultimates dominate a lot but I’m not sure if they should get more gamewide nerfs since they should still be excitingly strong. Maybe the game needs some more defensive ultimates or abilities that let good play stonewall ultimates better without being obnoxious cc.

While more social features would improve community and perhaps fight toxicity, I think their main benefit would hit more dedicated players and leave out casual ones. Though perhaps more community and incentive to group up would be a big deal.

I think blizzard needs to separate people by role and age group in addition to separating them by sr. If it took a little longer to Q I’d accept the quality over quantity. Yes, kids can be very good at the game but personally, I don’t want to be forced to play with a ten year old. I like to socialize with my own age group give or take. The chances of a ten year old being able to interact with maturity and valuable callouts like a peer would is lower. The problem with ranked is it’s basically quick play with points attached to it. The problem with blizzard is they’re a company in the business of appealing to a large variety of people to make money and in doing so cheapen many aspects to competitive play. Competitive should be a lot like overwatch league in my opinion, and honestly it’s not often played properly until mid to high diamond. Quick play should be for those people who have a couple hours to play after work who don’t really care about rank or playing properly and for people to practice fundamental mechanics of hero’s while disregarding wins or losses. Honestly, in my experience more than not wins or losses don’t much matter in quickplay. Competitive should be for those who want to attempt to play in a fashion that mimics overwatch league, for the people who want to make attempt to play in a concise and organized manner. Solo Q shouldn’t even be a thing. It should force people to socialize and obtain a team and learn the game to play. Hero’s that are low skill high reward shouldn’t be apart of overwatch, how is it fair and balanced to have a hero that can be invisible and literally stop you from using any abilities? How is it fair to have a hero that can freeze you and literally stop you from doing anything? I won’t even get to brig. The community is a huge part of the problem, there is literally no screening for competitive play, anyone level 25 or higher in good standing can play competitive and many of those people who choose to play it could care less about playing overwatch how it was meant to be played. Hey, but what do I know, wouldn’t want overwatch to get good again now would we. I’ve had multiple posts up on the forums trying to put a team together to try and bypass a lot of these problems and I get like one or two people interested who never actually get in touch with me or show up and that’s it. Crickets on the rest. What a competitive game that I can take seriously and put my time and passion into. Sarcasm*.

In order to climb in competitive solo Q, more than not you have to be mechanically skilled enough to be at least two tiers better than your competition to climb, ridiculous. Why can’t I just be required to do my job as whatever role I’m playing and have a team that does the same. Why is it 3-4 eliminations per life are required to be considered good? So what you’re saying is I have to take out half the team before I can consider myself a valuable player? Ridiculous.

In rainbow six siege(another notoriously difficult game) 1 elimination per life is not good or bad it’s valuable though, as if everyone gets one pick we win. If someone gets 2 eliminations per life they’re a good player and anything beyond that is just really really good but nobody expects people to get more than 2 kills per life that’s ridiculous.

And yes I know statistics don’t say everything and all the variables surrounding it matters, but to say they mean nothing would be wrong. Honestly, if your two dps are getting 2 eliminations per life that’s taking out most of the team, four people, the off tank and a Moira damage orb should be able to take out the other two. After that ultimate management needs to come into play.

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