Reasons to keep the hammond nerf

The terribly - designed, low skill - high reward Spin 2 Win tactic is rightfully no more because of the latest Hammond change, so that’s enough of a reason to keep it.

Yeah, the hero with the worst range in the game and a C-D tier tank ATM.

Makes sense.

The only individuals promoting Rein nerfs are metal rank players who don’t understand he’s one of the worst tanks in the game ATM.

In what situation is a Lucio realistically clinging to the same wall for more than two seconds?


The fact they nerfed him before Hog is iconic lmao

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Oh you don’t understand

Lucio can only wall ride up to 6s before touching the ground, if you don’t touch the ground skates stop working

Personally don’t think hog needs nerfs but yeah Hammond needed even less nerfs lul

The concept of nerfing spin2win is good, it’s just annoying how it nerfs other high skill ceiling parts of his kit.


I’ll be real with you, I played hammond on that patch and kept thinking my mouse was breaking because I kept unhooking before releasing m2. Putting a timer on screen that tells you how much hook time you have left would be great.

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Don’t even say that as a joke, just imagine if that was a thing :skull:


Isn’t that the underlying issue? I mean, who else would complain?

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Community Manager Notes for January to the devs:

  • Everyone is really happy about the lack of information.
  • Everyone is really excited about Cassidy’s barrel roll
  • Lucio stall too op according to strategy guru, XyZ. Put in line with Ball?
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This is the guy that begins each game with double offtank with “we need a shield but ok” then loses one fight “we need rein zarya.” Then loses a round doing 5% team damage and states “were gonna lose if we don’t go rein zarya”

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  1. I can’t aim at one of the largest hitboxes in the game, especially when it moves in a circle, because it’s impossible to predict where it will go next… in the circle.
  2. I can’t be bothered to ever learn ANY of the over 15 absolute counters that completely shutdown a Hammond tether.
  3. I have a bias against Hammond even though there are heroes like Lucio, Mei, and Symmetra that do all the things he keeps being nerfed for, except they do it better.
  4. I don’t want tanks to be able to ever move. Tanks are only in the game for me to shoot so I can get Ult charge.
  5. I’m not a Hammond player, so of course the ONLY thing I thing a tether does for more than 3 seconds in ANY play is “sPiN tO WiN”
  6. I can’t aim at ONE OF THE BIGGEST, ROUND hitboxes in the game!

The fact that you said this twice makes it even more perfect

More fun for all OW players.

Sorry to disappoint you. I barely switch and tend to main heroes. Atm I play Ball for the past months for 99% of the time.
And to correct you, Rhog is the sole offtank in tank roster. The other non-shield tanks are “dive tanks”.
And now let me try to return the favor: I guess that you are one of those people who don’t get basic “Attack” strategies and request always shields to Chokestall your own team on Attack. If you don’t even know the difference between an off-tank and a dive tank, I assume you also don’t know how dive (as team strategy) works. Cause you assume that Dive Tanks can’t be main tanks…

basically this:

Hammonds hook basically can only hit you once when he manages to surprise you. After that, he relies on his teammates to AGRO the enemies, otherwise they can easily step out of his hook path (doesn’t matter if spinning or not).
So, the enemies need to ignore Ball for several seconds (!) for him to do multiple ball hits (which won’t kill you unless you already took or still take damage). Let us compare this to any other tank that you try to ignore for several seconds:
R-hog: instant-death
Rein: most of the time instant-death
DVA: Insta-death when rockets are available or just at close range
Winston: very high kill chance (multiple people)
Zarya: depends on her power lvl

Most Tanks will kill you, if you dare to ignore them for 1-2 seconds after first contact/blood. Ball was just stalling. Stalling has low kill potential.
And Objective Kills > Objective Stalling!
So where was the problem with Ball except for newbie QQ?


Yet Sombra can stay invisible forever. Imagine nerfing Sombra so she could only hide for 6 seconds.


I said this on a different post, but I feel it would’ve been better to limit the ability of his grapple, not cripple it.

Have his grapple not work while either on the objective, meaning majority of the surfaces, walls, other grapple things aren’t grapple-able as long as they are in the boxed or spherical region of the objective.

Or go map by map and the ones where WB is famous for stalling and or spinning on, just make those surfaces / walls not grapple-able. I mean this could go for the payload as well :man_shrugging:

Better then crippling the character this badly.

except he has always been a hero
low elo players just never understood how to play him
you don’t nerf a hero because people refuse to improve and understand them
most (including me) would argue ball has a low skill floor
and he does
but from what has been seen his skill floor is much higher once you actually understand how the hero works.

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I understand how he works and I understand he has a high skill ceiling. You misunderstand what i’m saying.

You can play him properly, yes, and that’s what the majority of Ball players do. However, you can also use him to stall in OT. Him being able to stall in OT can prevent him from having more creative buffs or buffs to his tankiness since those buffs would disproportionately affect his ability to stall. Uncoupling him from that can help put him in a place where he’s easier to buff/tweak.

But he wasn’t buffed…