Reason why healing get nerfed

In plat. In diamond.

Once people start shooting, the healing doesn’t matter because you don’t have time to heal anyone.


You keep saying the same thing but not providing any specific examples. I’m not inclined to agree with you by just saying “No. You can’t heal anyone.” over and over.

This is the main reason.

With 1 less tank, the team’s health pool is decreased by like 30% or something crazy, meaning heals are less spread out across fewer targets and are across smaller, easier to top off pools. Not to mention team damage output is probably down somewhere around another 15-20% assuming everyone’s roughly even.

If they don’t nerf healing, literally nothing would die.

Only issue is this sorta impacts some heroes more than others. Lucio or Bap who have good utility outside of heals aren’t going to be hit much, but someone like Mercy, who’s almost entirely heals? Yea… gonna be gutted.

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Try outhealing that.

Have fun.


You literally used an ULTIMATE. Almost all damage ults in the game can’t be outhealed without beat or Trance lmao. That’s common sense.

That doesn’t mean it should be unhealable because people die instantly.

Either way, you’re not outhealing bastion’s damage on anyone, you can’t even heal most people before they die if targeted by bastion. Even without the ulti.

Uh. Yes it does? If I use an ult to do damage, that shouldn’t be invalidated by simple healing unless it’s a support ult.

Buff roadhog’s ulti then.

we know why it’s being reduced and i’m personally down with that, but you have to realize that the personal healing nerf with the combat healing nerf makes supports basically useless.

it makes mercy have 37.5 hps
it makes brig have 11.25 hps
it makes bap do 37.5 splash healing and 52.5 direct healing
it makes zen do 22.5 hps
it makes ana do 52.5 direct healing and 45 splash healing
and it makes moira do 105 ultimate healing, and 52.5 hps.

what we do need to do is nerf the healing directly, not globally and directly.

mercy > 55 or 50
bap > 55 direct healing
moria > 60 direct healing, 100 or 90 healing ultimate
ana > 60 healing, 75 splash
zen > 200 hps ult
brig > 50 hps repair pack, 13 hps inspire and 80 total inspire healing

Roadhog’s ult is used more for displacement than damage. The damage only matters when you’re pinned against a wall.

Do you not remember what you said?

Roadhog’s ulti doesn’t kill people before you can react to them taking damage unless they’re pretty much standing in his face. You can outheal it with ease.

Okay. Since you want to spam quotes and you wanna look at this with such a narrow scope, I’m done with this.


There are usually six damage sources in the game, not two (Zen even matches some dps, and many tanks exceed several).

So there are still big chunks of damage still flying around that are never healed.

your numbers useless in that context…
as example average PER MATCH zen heals ~8k + deals ~10,5k damage + discord and average ana heals ~11,5k + deals ~4,5k damage …so in similar cases support nullyfies damage from each other not from DPS or tank

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1 less source of damage mitigation too. slight confirmation bias seeping through

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I love how people use averages, when averages never decided, if players die or not.

HPS vs DPS is what actually matters - you can easily gain 10k healing over course of match, by healing players, who died soon after.

It’s normal to use an ultimate to outheal damage ultimate. But at the moment, you need ultimate to outheal even normal damage - and not any ult: Valkyrie, for instance, won’t work.

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Cause they engineered it that way, people eventually give up on a role when their favorite character gets gutted repeatedly to the point where you no longer recognize what you are playing.

They give pretty much most of the varied utility to dps: flight, hack, clone, turrets, teleport.
The role has double the characters of the other two combined.
Get new characters when the other roles get new characters.
Has more visible reward for doing well/

Everything they do is geared to make people prefer the dps role.


Funny thing is that they continue in same direction. Supports usually are picked to save people. To save. Not to be yet another DPS with some unimportant abilities on the side.

Caring and lust for destruction rarely combine within same players.

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The healing numbers don’t really matter. Tank self sustain and damage interacts with it.

And tank TTK looks like garbage and burst damage doesn’t look nerfed at all, so we’re screwed even if Brig did 100 HP/s AoE.


Preserving more fragile teammates concerns me more, as healing can’t save them from instant deaths.

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