Reapers shotguns should ignore armor


This would make him mostly only better against tanks and brig. Do this and cut the starting and ending animations of shadow step at least in half and reaper would be in a good spot.


Really wouldn’t help him much. His issue isn’t killing. He has no tools to get close so he’s half dead before even gets to the enemy and his accuracy is pathetic outside of about 2 feet, so unless he IS in their face he won’t do great damage anyways.


So…increase falloff?

i’d wait a little while before buffing him to see if his most recent buffs help, but I think this would be a fine buff since his job is to kill tanks and most tanks have armor it kinda makes sense.

but yeah his shadowstep really needs some help lol

The thing is if he had a good way to get close easily he would be too good. So I don’t think that’s a realistic buff we could see.

Making his shadow step take 1/4 the time would at least allow him to position himself quickly without being a completely free kill while doing it.

The armor change would just give him slightly better damage without making him better against squishes. I don’t think we will ever see him get less spread or more raw damage.

I think it was said they actually created armor partially because of Reaper (initially).

I would agree with this before Torb rework and Ashe addition, but with Torb’s alt and Ashe’s inclusion, I feel like it would make armor somewhat useless. Unless it was where only his ult ignored armor, then that would be fine.

Then he will never be good. Try shooting at a wall and count the holes outside his crosshair. See how close you need to be to get full damage. He has a shorter range than any other character and no way to close the gap. With all the CC and strength of shields now, he is easily stopped. If he can’t get close quickly and safely, or they tighten his spread even farther he will never have a place.

Outside of 5m his damage is pitiful and easily outhealed. Meaning for most of any fight Reaper does nothing but charge enemy support Ults.

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I think it would be to much if available all the time.

The only thing Reaper needs, is Shadow Step to be improved.

Faster, ignore railing etc

And then give Symmetra’s Teleporter the same treatment.

No reason these two heroes should be screwed over by railing

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