Reaper PTR fix > Sym PTR fix

Devs: “Oh no, we’ve accidentally nerfed Reaper! :scream:
“Battle stations. Write a statement. Sweet Prince we will save you :sob:

Community: “So there seems to be this exploit with Symmetra’s Primary fire that’s allowing her to do a ton of damage.”
Devs: “Who, uh yeah whatever, look at this cute dog on my phone, oh I dunno give her 20 ticks.”
Community “But Zarya’s is 5.5?”
“Look at the doggo!”


It’s kinda astounding they have left it this long

yea but it’s not really the same thing?? reaper was supposed to be a straight buff that ended up as a nerf and symmetra had an exploit that the devs badly pathced??

i dont think we should bash and say reaper is more important that’s not fair!!! because reaper is also in a bad spot


A little unrelated to Sym but does anyone know what Zarya’s tickrate used to be at launch?

5.5 sounds kinda low because that implies it takes 181 milliseconds for each individual instance of damage to register but I remember in December 2016, they increased Zarya’s tickrate.

So if they increased it and it’s 5.5 now, what the hell was it before?


The change from lock on to pinpoint aim was supposed to be a straight buff aswell and look at it now sees about as much action as a freezer in Antarctica


and the team is working on it… we are receiving small buff to symmetra to make sure she doesn’t end up like spamzo - the overpowered “sniper” that puts more damage than all other dps.

they didn’t touch the tickrate but they did change other things and we might get to a point where we must change the tickrate, but for now other buffs are welcomed.


You do realize it took 3 years for them to rework Torb properly.

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It’s a joke

Her tickrate is fine, it’s her TP that needs improvements.

Her tickrate is not fine. What planet are you on?


Can someone explain the Sym tickrate situation to me pls?

it used to be 4. in symm 2.0 AND symm 3.0 (on the PTR). but there was an exploit that let players charge her beam above the 3 charge limit and do like 1000 dps.

so instead of actually fixing the exploit the developers just extended the tickrate to 20 with out taking in consideration the consequences of that decision

it’s like 20 ticks per second i believe. which means you divide her “damage per second” by 20.

so her 60 dps (level 1 charge) does 3 damage per tick (DPR)
her 120 dps (level 2 charge) does 6 dpr
and her 180 dps (level 3 charge) does 9 dpr

and armour works like this: “Hits that deal less than 10 HP damage will be halved their damage instead”.

so every DPR symmetra does against armour-health basically cuts in half her damage. and with the extremely high tickrate it makes it hard to charge your beam because you need to be hitting something consistently


Could not have said it better myself :ok_hand:

Taken directly from my rework analysis thread:

I don’t disagree her tickrate is bad and needs changing, but this change feels separate from that particular issue. Even if her tickrate were lowered she’d still charge up over 2 seconds which is pretty bad. the 1.6 second charge speed feels amazing, even if she still does trash damage against armor.

EDIT I read the title, not the post. Oops, yeah. Still though, the 1.6 buff is nice lol


Reaper’s PTR 2 change probably reverted the change they made in the first place. The spread patterns between current “fixed” PTR and live look very similar.

Also, Symmetra’s gun is helplessly broken because they didn’t bother to fix the fact you can spam left click faster than the gun’s recoil animation lasts.

The “tag” issue that TTraw mentioned is a separate version of this bug, but even with the hacky solution they came up with to fix the 9000 DPS LMB PTR Symmetra, the ammo consumption can still be blown up by spamming left click because there’s no recoil “cooldown” that prevents you from sending new “send bullets” commands.

If you try to reproduce the PTR bug on live, the only that changed is that the damage is “flattened”–you still burn ammo at the same rate as it did on PTR when it was bugged.

ps, Zarya’s gun doesn’t have any of these bugs. For designing a gun that’s supposed to work similarly to Zarya’s, I don’t know how they managed to introduce so many bugs that don’t affect the parent properties they’re trying to copy.

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Yea reaper is pretty crap even I have to say it
When will blizzard just give him a buff like one of the cancelled prototype ability for him when he steals the souls of so mercy can’t rev them or just a new buff to make reaper actually usable again.

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We’ve had 2 new things for Reaper and that’s already overwhelming compared to the year of silence we’ve had for the edgy boi

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