Reaper | Press Q = WIN

I can’t tell if this is serious or not.

I see something about McCree down there and think, “Did… did he miss the flash-bang, did he miss his shots?”

Press Q, get CCed to oblivion


Wasn’t it Bastion the one that is braindead in 2016 and not Reaper?

I remember Reaper was absolute dog **** back then.

One of the most counterable ulti, when I see him do what he want and dancing all he want is only because people refuse to counterpick hi; in end he have the most predictables movement skills…

here some counters:

-Dva matrix
-Rein dash
-Hog pull
-Ana sleep
-Brigitte shield bash
-Doomfist rocket punch
-Genji deflect
-McCree stun
-Mei wall
-Sombra hack/emp
-Symmetra wall or a well placed tp to escape out of range and make him dance alone on the stage
-Torb ulti so he dance on fire…

Feel free to use the one you prefer or you like the most.

As for Dva, my reaction when eating reapers ult:

It’s pretty obvious when one wants to ult (unless he’s sneaky), so save DM for him and boop him away.

No it’s early 2019 again.

is this a joke? pretty sure it is…


You have to build your ult, it takes skill to use that ult.

Only a brain dead person would say this.

sounds like someones bad at the game

  • DVA Defense Matrix: lasts 2 seconds vs Death Blossom (3 seconds duration), not a hard counter, will reduce the impact of the ult but people aren’t cherry picking issues with Reaper in general here
  • Rein Charge: Death Blossom has a radius of 8 meters and does 510 net damage across x targets, in the unlikely event that Rein is right next to reaper to begin with, this might work; but if the rein charges at a reasonable distance, he’s more likely to die than meet Reaper before he shuts down Death Blossom
  • Hog Hook: arguably the best way to handle Death Blossom as a a tank, provides you with the distance needed to grab Reaper without taking too much damage, still difficult to ultimately punish the reaper for a successful hook however due to the immediate benefit of life steal once the Reaper starts shooting you, unless your team capitalises on the hook, it’s unlikely you’ll dispatch him on your own
  • Ana: Sleep dart, effective - but I see a lot more games with Reaper in DPS slots than I do games with Ana in a support slot, it’s not uncommon to find yourself in a game as a tank, look at your team and not see a single hard counter to Reaper because people are playing who they enjoy and not who is functionally best

In summary, sure Reaper is easily dealt with if people counter pick against him - but I think the issue people have with him is the skill vs. reward component of his design. I always like to think of Reaper as Blizzard’s lazy solution for GOATS and this has been quite prevalent in balancing efforts from the Overwatch Team since that era.

Blizzard’s balancing approach is achieved via tweaking numbers and rarely handled by changing ability mechanics. Reaper was tuned upwards to handle a meta that Blizzard really didn’t like as it was becoming so prevalent in competitive play, and we all know how much of an unhealthy respect Blizzard seems to have for OWL and it’s desire to become the next ESPN of video gaming. This has resulted in a play style in which Reaper is REWARDED for diving the enemy and holding down left click. There’s little strategy or finesse required to maximise the output of Reaper’s standard kit and it shows.

Whilst in higher tiers Reaper isn’t a problem because counter picking and high skill can deal with him, the rest of the player base (non group play / quick play) is left with an unstoppable killing machine that low skill DPS players take advantage of way too often.

TLDR; Reaper is fine in higher ranks, he’s easy pick / easy win (low risk / high reward) in lower ranks. As a tank main, I get that Reaper is designed to have certain flaws, but it’s very frustrating to see that the only way to deal with him is if someone specifically has to disable him entirely. Outplaying a Reaper via skill or clever positioning is often not rewarded simply because he is way too over-tuned for sustainability.

Why isn’t your team behind you?

Lmao, thinking one of the meta tanks is bad…

  • Stun
  • Hack
  • Hook
  • Charge
  • Shoot him from a distance

Every dps but Sym is press Q to win. Ults are powerful…nothing new.

Why are you talking about Genji then?

Haha, OP you will learn to play this game. McCree, press E, press M2 and your reaper is gone. there are many soloutions for him.

You’ve clearly never played Reaper. He is nowhere near as easy to play as you think he is. His damage sucks, his self healing sucks, his fade is too short, his teleport leaves him vulnerable, and the only way he gets any form of value out of his ult is if he catches the enemy off guard. He used to be a decent hero, but nowadays he can barely do his one job, which is to bust tanks. If you’re losing to Reaper, the problem is your lack of skill or situational awareness, not the Reaper.

I just want to say that playing as Zarya and bubbling my ulting Reaper releases dangerous amounts of dopamine into the remnants of my brain. :eye: :lips: :eye:

Reaper is my fave ult in the game. Although it’s very easy to shut down. Stuns, widow headshots, ana sleep, roadhog hook, dva matrix, lucio boop, rein ult or pin.

But when you succeed, it’s so satisfying