Reaper | Press Q = WIN

What’s your team doing in that moment exactly? Nah, the problem is not Reaper.

Hog, McCree or Ana are examples of heroes you could use to prevent that.

You shoot from range, when he gets in close (assuming he doesn’t have Wraith), you flash him (Which stuns him), fan him, and he’s dead.

You also can kill him, by focusing him with other team mates. Yes, he does get life steal, but when you have three people firing at him, that doesn’t really matter

Hog, you have to be careful with. If Reaper baits out hogs hook, reaper can kill him. But, if hog baits out reapers wraith, hog can kill him.

hog and reaper is a pretty close matchup, it really depends on the skill of the individual player.

I’d take that duel as Rein. I kill Reaper as Winston too but Reaper isn’t a valuable target.

You got to be really careful when you do that, dude. Most low rank players won’t be able to do that.

I mean, Ive even taken Winstons into Bastions and won, but it’s not a smart idea, If you don’t know what you’re doing.

Nice bait, OP. Reaper gets destroyed by hitscans and cc. Can confirm as Reaper main.

His ult is just downright useless, I have no idea how did you got tilted with it, but l2p ffs :)

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His ult is super easy to counter, what are you on about? :thinking:

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Sometimes I get careless and it still works out, lol.

Its harder as Winston though, but you just gotta not let Reaper heal.

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Now I’m not saying it can’t be an easy team wipe. But so can Blade, Full Hog, Shatter or a host of others be.

But why not use one of the following:

  • Shield Bash
  • Shatter
  • Sleep Dart
  • Flashbang
  • Headshot from a variety of sniper heroes

They all shut down a Reaper ult pretty quickly.

I can usually make the enemy reaper switch just by playing Ashe. He has one of the worst ultimates in the game, if it wasn’t for the lifesteal then it would be worse than Pharahs. It gets interrupted so easy that in order to pull it off he has to get lucky or be really crafty. Or… play against bad players.

Usually noob Reapers get instakilled when ulting. What I don’t like at all of death blossom is the range: It’s 30% higher than the animation effect.

He was at maybe borderline OP before his life steal nerf. But since no.

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I can’t tell if this is serious or not.

I see something about McCree down there and think, “Did… did he miss the flash-bang, did he miss his shots?”

Press Q, get CCed to oblivion


Wasn’t it Bastion the one that is braindead in 2016 and not Reaper?

I remember Reaper was absolute dog **** back then.

One of the most counterable ulti, when I see him do what he want and dancing all he want is only because people refuse to counterpick hi; in end he have the most predictables movement skills…

here some counters:

-Dva matrix
-Rein dash
-Hog pull
-Ana sleep
-Brigitte shield bash
-Doomfist rocket punch
-Genji deflect
-McCree stun
-Mei wall
-Sombra hack/emp
-Symmetra wall or a well placed tp to escape out of range and make him dance alone on the stage
-Torb ulti so he dance on fire…

Feel free to use the one you prefer or you like the most.

As for Dva, my reaction when eating reapers ult:

It’s pretty obvious when one wants to ult (unless he’s sneaky), so save DM for him and boop him away.

No it’s early 2019 again.

is this a joke? pretty sure it is…


You have to build your ult, it takes skill to use that ult.