Reaper is horrible

He is so far behind any other DPS…

When I literally stand right next to a ulting junkrat, aim at his head, shoot and he is not one shotted, then I know this game has no place for big old skeleton.

meanwhile Spanzo OHKOing people from the other side of the map with random arrows.



Hmmmm two “hex” individuals making posts…I am suspicious.

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Reaper is horrible, no doubt; however, he can absolutely one-shot a stationary target with 200 HP. The problem with the spread is more about when players are moving, especially in the opposite direction of Reaper.

Honestly he just needs a better gap closer. Shadow step is a joke.

I made a really long and in-depth thread with some balance change ideas for Reaper yesterday. I’d appreciate if you could check it out and give me some feedback! :+1:

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Well i dont know what he looks like under that mask, but i personally think he is beautiful

Lol that never works, go for body shots

Aim for the neck, my dude.

Just look at his Soldier 24 skin.


oh yeah reapers underpowered trash, and anyone who thinks otherwise prob has a really low sr just look at anyone who sais hes actually a good pick

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I see reaper + briggite combo on almost all matchs

so you play in gold or plat bud

Huh? How does that work? Like, a Brigitte walks in front and after they are stunned, Reaper bursts them down or something? It does not sound terrible. But I am not sure that is effective enough to call it a “combo” myself. Especially if it was mirrored. It would instantly lose all value.


We do, though. Two of his skins lacks a mask, and one of them have been in the game since launch.

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Poor Reaper…he at least needs his abilities softened.


Yes, back in the day before he went all edgy and dark, when he was in blackwatch he was just grumpy

Shadow-Step needs a buff/rework/replacement/change
Spread should be more consistent.