Reaper : "i'm finally viable now" blizz : "f**k u, we "fixed" your tp"

fixing something which is not exactly broken, bye bye again reaper?
reaper : “i’m finally viable now” blizz : “f**k u, we “fixed” your tp”

“it’s high noon~~”
mei: “oh crap i can’t get my wall up”

I know it’s petty and that it’ll probably get fixed pretty fast, but I’m really not that mad that mei and reaper are broken.


Stop exagerrating. For starters, Shadow Step isn’t as broken as people make it sound like and second of all this doesn’t really stop him from being able to shoot you in the face as normal

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At least are they aware of it now, but I’m surprised they didn’t thoroughly tested this first before it went live.

They have added it in the known issues list:

There is an issue with ground-targeting abilities being unable to target their intended location.

Now we have to wait 3 weeks (or more) to get it fixed on PTR and be pushed to live.

I don’t know.

I mean, not being able to teleport up to buildings and edges anymore sounds like a pretty massive bug. And in Mei’s case can she not even place a wall close to her. That’s not good either.

It’s pretty broken alright.

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