Reaper has failed me, and we have failed him

It’s kind of funny how they keep reverting old nerfs. FaN is back to power. Roadhog one shot power. Some say armor was added because of Reaper, why not revert that too?

Give Reaper an “ability” to switch between hollowpoint and normal shots at any time. Hollowpoint does increased damage(Not just ignores) damage to armor and shields, but less to normal HP. Let him shred armor and shields.

What do you think these two ideas (Good and Bad) would do to Shadow Step?

Lower Cast Time:
Just as it sounds, it doesn’t take as long for Reaper to teleport from Point A to Point B. I know the biggest opposition to it is too much pounce capability, especially with ult.

Slight Movement Before Uncloak:
Same channel time and everything, but Reaper has a small window to move in any direction from that teleport point before showing up (meaning the player would only show up exactly on that spot if they just didn’t move at all). To a degree, think of something like Moira’s fade just at Reaper’s walk speed.

Reaper has the “stealth assassin” problem. The same as Widow, Spy in TF2 ect. The second you know he’s there he has lost at least half his power. A Widow for example who stays in one spot is a dumb Widow.

The problem is, if I’m Reaper I need to get close to get kills. Best way? Flank! I SS and their Brig sees me for a second. That’s it before I hide behind buildings ect. She now can alert her team. They are aware there is a Reaper around. They can be ready for it.

Reaper has no way to get close. He sucks at range. What do you do? Fade should have been Reaper’s ability. It makes way more sense for him then Moira. Can’t change that now. Can’t copy Moira’s ability. What do you do?

They need to decide what they want him to be.

  • Pure damage monster?
    •Combine SS/Wraith form with Valkyrie like movement.
    • Give him an ability that lets him hit from afar temporarily. I say tighten spread a lot, Sombra/Tracer levels while disabling healing/wraith when active.

  • Sneaky Ninja Assassin?
    • Tighten his spread by double, have greater falloff to compensate. Still needs to be close for good damage.
    • Quiet his footsteps, change SS to be something that moves in fast and quick.
    • Possibly lower HP to 200 to not be OP. He would be based around getting in, getting kills and running away.

Hopefully one day Reaper will escape his home in the garbage dump.

I have nothing to say about Reaper, but your second point about Mei is wrong. She’s the strongest GOATS counterpick as we’ve seen in Contenders on multiple occasions.

He should receive the “ulti becomes a normal skill treatment”. Holding right click keeps firing a low damage ulti up to a max duration with a long cd (20 sec or so).

His teleport is now twice as fast.

Ulti is something that bypasses a shield and does max hp% damage to a single target. Something like a forward dash and a charged shot to the face.

Those won’t help him, read above. The problem is he has very low accuracy, probably the worst in the game and no way to get close. Even if SS was twice as fast it’s loud and easy to see. You just back up. Watch ANY Reaper you play with and count his shots as he fights. See how many it takes for him to get one kill.