Reaper EVENT is coming! ( OW2 new design?)

Turn your monitor on and read my previous comments TO YOU IN THIS VERY THREAD you disingenuous lump.


Like I said from the beginning, you might care about Overwatch a little too much if you’ve taken the past 2 years of them focusing on OW2 and just doing mini events as some kind of hell or psychological torture etc.

It’s really not that big of a deal. There are other things to do in the meantime. The forum freakout every week that there isn’t OW2 news or that a DPS hasn’t gotten nerfed yet is a big reason why I’m not surprised that they’re holding things close to the chest until they’re ready for a big reveal

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Like endlessly edit your comments? Jesus man, make a point and walk away for 2 minutes.

That only happens because they promise more communication and endlessly tease new things coming. Other games don’t have this problem. That’s not random. We didn’t all just coincidentally choose to be mad about OW. There is something unique about OW that generates this reaction. It’s the lying and the content drought and the lack of any kind of roadmap. The total failure to properly set expectations, which is a basic task for any game studio. Blizzard is objectively bad at it.

True, will give you that much.

Realisticalyl speaking, we’ve been told many times officially we’d get more information about Overwatch 2, and we’d even hear more about it from literally ABK’s quarter reports. And guess what we are hearing more of, a skin every like 3 to 5 weeks and a dried-event from even cosmetics content.

Like on a plate of classic things, Gamefreak delivering a game that doesn’t meet up expectations and Overwatch barely getting any content on a format of a “live-supported game”, nor even any news headlines about OW2 is about the same redundancy level of how to really pile yourself against yourself. I’ll be playing OW2 for sure, but let’s be real, this is a complete failure for marketting 100% no matter how you look at it, either as an avid ABK player, a dedicated overwatch player, a fan or an economist even.

I really wanna defend the game developping, but I’m just jaw-dropped they did not even try to abuse anything from the fact, everybody IS expecting big news for OW2 CURRENTLY despite invalid leaks and information everywhere.

It’s mesmerising to not try and jump on the ship at all, this game fails to meet expectations as a live game in its current lifespan, compared to even its later competitors, go on further I might actually regret not staying in Paladins 5-6 years ago even at all.

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Even super is blasting team 4 repeatedly on stream because they just forgot this game existed. That VC bug has been around for ages and they havent even acknowledged it.


Unless you mean a different bug

The one where VC just dies for someone and they cant hear anything

The earrape one is pretty bad too

You good? I was on the computer before shutting it down… Took me 15 minutes to reply this time because now I’m watching Boba Fett and going to bed because I work in the morning. I’m doing other things :laughing:

Feel free to be upset. I don’t think it’s all that serious & I enjoy Overwatch just as much as the next person. I probably have 1700hours sunken into it but idk, seems like people are losing their minds over this game :sweat_smile:

I still enjoy playing the game. Of course I enjoyed it more when heroes and maps were coming out every few months, but even without that I’m still playing years later. I seriously can’t wait for OW2 :smiley: new heroes, maps, modes, 5v5, PvE, feeling like the game is new\fresh again, it’s going to be awesome

Paladins is free & I could play it anytime but it just doesn’t satisfy the hero shooter fantasy the way Overwatch does for me. I’ve played Paladins in the past & its not a bad game, but it feels like a cheap clone to Overwatch and I’d rather just play the real thing

I played Overwatch since November 2016, prior I was on Paladins. Sadly what’s only “fresh” to me atm is either trying to complete new cosmetics galleries each events or mini-events, and it’s getting really old for the past like 2 or 3 years.

My other fresh is starting to rot, I’ve completly dried PvE personnally (got all achievements for Events) and I also did T500 PvE runs and got a few here and there, and I’m gonna be real, they give no incentives besides us bragging, PvE citizens have it really hard right now and I,m part of that ship, not that I hate PvP, but I’ve never been big on PvP overall, but OW sticked on me nonetheless still.

But it’s frustrating as other competitors don’t resonate with my likings like Overwatch did, but when you see Apex or Fortnite dropping big updates, more content and cosmetics overall, you kind of just question yourself. Why is my live-serviced game performing really that bad versus others when you’ve done like every corners you can in the game.

Whats your hero pool like?

My hero pool is all 32, so it could be why I still haven’t gotten bored of playing. I can still play this game for an entire day if I ever had the time to

Honestly I haven’t touched the PvE too too many times. I’ve played them more than a few times but I definitely didn’t play it as much as it sounds like you did. I’m not typically one to enjoy recyclable PvE but I think OW2’s PvE will be different & more in depth with the storyline, talent trees & variety of enemies. I might play it through as one hero and spec them out a few different ways then replay the story as another hero & spec them out. Seems interesting, like leveling different classes on WoW or Diablo

Eh I mean I’m not frustrated. I don’t play Apex or Fortnite so I couldn’t care less about their updates. I don’t see Overwatch as performing poorly because it’s the best hero shooter in existence & the sequel is coming out sometime “soonish”

Has to be a legendary right? Didn’t they say more legendary skins than any year before?

I tried everything with a minimum of like 6 hours, would have to recheck, but I play heroes I have fun with nowadays.

My problem is not how special will it be, how challenging will it be would be the better affirmation, I’m one for soulslike and roguelike games. Story is also needed, lore in this game is critical.

Me neither, but it’s performing really poorly as a live-game, but the issue is. In the team-shooter subgenre, it’s a no brainer, Overwatch dominates the category, but when you start varying anything, Overwatch currently falls flat overall.

It’s a live-game with, let’s be honest, almost no live-support or merely anything that changes the tide of the game’s flow in balance or new things that aren’t just cosmetics or a “brand new FFA map” that I won’t play, nor most of the playerbase.

I really wanna like Overwatch in 2022, but even a 2$ game has been keeping me more entertained than this weird nonsense mess of randomness that never leads to Overwatch 2.

The complete different gun-design in the teaser strongly underline that.

Blizzard is a big studio and we have talented and growing teams supporting live games as well. Over the coming weeks, you’ll be hearing more on that from Warcraft and Overwatch.

His statement didn’t promise OW2 news - it was about supporting the ongoing game. And we got that, with the community cup, OWL news and a new challenge.

They have lied to us, there is no more, we have to accept it, the community managers, devs, the entire OW team… they have lied to our faces! , don’t wait for news anymore, the news is the Reaper mini event, that’s how it goes.

Sounds eerily similar to when you said no Mercy skins would be coming :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:

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But the reality is this, they have lied to all of us promising great news about OW and they come to us with a mini event, I don’t even believe AndyB’s words “It will be the year with the most skins in the game”, after this, everyone has lost credibility .


It’s not a lie if the news just hasn’t arrived yet.

Well, you will have hopes, I had and I have already lost them completely.

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This reminds me, I need to write an email to Blizzard about adding an angel (of death) skin for Mercy. And also a nurse outfit for Reaper. Please understand.