Reaper Buffs! I Cannot Believe It!

With Brigitte the issue is different. There it’s his fire rate that fails because it’s easy for Brigitte to block enough of his shots between flail smacks.

mercy players on the forums: “these buffs are worthless, I hate them.”
Reaper players on the forums: Woohoo! senpai finally noticed us!!


Am Mercy main confirmed.

I mean, the Reaper ones were kind of what he actually needed. Short of a straight damage buff anyways. More accuracy will help those good with him greatly

Hey I’m not a mercy hater, I get it.
Maybe these buffs aren’t enough, but hey, wouldn’t you rather they take this slow and steady approach instead of just dropping valk on everyone again?


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I suppose, but slow and steady would have been trying 53 or 55 healing on the whole lol.

But anyways, shotgun bois thread.

Woo Hog and Reaper getting love

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I’m late to the thread, bought some last minute Halloween decorations.



Pretty excited. Reaper’s my go-to when the entire enemy team decides I’m not allowed to play Tracer that game. So … HYPE! :smiley:

Every Reaper main when these changes go live:

How appropriate lol :stuck_out_tongue:

AGAIN? Wow and I thought the Wraith form cancel+ammo was a good buff.

Less spread and increased life steal??? IT’s about time for the life steal I was saying it was too low, getting 5 to 10 hp per shot is not effective as his souls giving you 60 or more after you killed someone was so its good they fixed this. Can’t wait to try my boy!

Only thing left now is I still feel shadow step needs to be tweaked a bit because it’s still hard to utilize/I hate just not knowing where a sniper is and getting headshot instantly upon teleporting.

I think he should be immune for a few seconds once doing shadow step, but the trade off is obviously we can’t instantly attack as soon as we show up so its just a leveled playing field, no sitting duck headshots and no instant poofing and damage.


So his shadowstep is still garbage? Cool.


At this rate though you don’t even need shadowstep anymore lmao

I guess they dont have the resources to adress it atm… thats the only reason i can c.

The developpers themselves said that now the pellets will be much more concentrated in the center so…

Look at Yves post.

They are actually LESS concentrated in the center per the screenshot attached up-thread. The consistency is better, but the shot angle is still too wide resulting in glancing hits against targets that aren’t perfect cubes (i.e. not Zen or Hog).