Really?! Sym nerfs!? I'm done

Sym isn’t ever allowed to be viable :cry:


I’m not a Sym main, but these nerfs to Sym are terrible. She didn’t even get a compensation buff either.


To think that the game is built around adapting to defeat your enemies. Yall couldnt adapt to an enemy symm? Shes one of the easiest heroes to counter.


her range should be increased to 15m at least for this lol


i cant express how much i feel this…

She can’t be even slightly viable, so can’t have that. I’m pretty sure they’ll nerf her turrets next. Then her ult shield hp. Then nerf her hp to 150.


Ever heard of a

j o k e

sensitive much?


Let me guess, this nerf will go through on console even though beam weapons are more difficult there and she still had her turret nerf?


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Can I not have ONE.


Character I am allowed to play/main that’s decent?

Lucio got nerfed to kill GOATS. Orisa’s nerf was to counter the fact that killing GOATS made her the only good tank left on the roster. Sombra got nerfed because a bunch of babies cried oppressive on Hack even though she’s literally the worst DPS and since she’s been nerfed Doomfist is just absolutely destroying people, and now Symmetra gets a bugfix that FINALLY makes her useful to counter the current meta and now they’re nerfing that too when she was; before Sombra’s nerf; the literal worst DPS on the roster.

F*ck this, I’m going to go become a Hanzo main.


Do u blame us tho??!!?

if you can’t aim, then just get better


She needs them. The bug fix has made her and zayra completely over the line with the recent patch. The beam does way to much damage and there is pretty much 0 skill in actually playing her. They need to nerf her more really. Her turrets shouldn’t fly through enemy sheilds because thats just stupid. Her turrets need reduced hp so they die faster instead of surviving splash damage somehow. And really I think defense matrix should shoot down turrets that are in flight. Shes an unfun character and really she should just be removed with the amount of reworks shes had she doesn’t fit the game in the slightest.

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Symmetra does the second lowest dps with her primary fire out of all dps


Do you have literally any receipts to back up your claim that Symmetra is currently dominating this game more than, say, Hanzo, Widow, and Ana?


Good, she’s not fun to play against.

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lets explain this man with oranges and apples.

195 damage + your 2 sentries on the WALLS can burn down a tank in seconds. Only winston can destroy the sentries on the wall and he will need burn TWO JUMPS in order of reach your trash items

Reduce the HP of the sentries to 10hp and then she keep the damage

Which means we’ll see Widow nerfs on the horizon, right?

Sis… What… I…

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This is a direct nerf result due of 2-2-2, lol. Getting role queue and they nerf Sym due to it. Clown world is real.