Really?! Sym nerfs!? I'm done

I still don’t know why it’s not “Better nerf Isabelle”, seeing as every patch has nerfed her in some way (haven’t played in a while, so not sure about 1.4.0).

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You’re telling me you have trouble killing an enemy meleeing a turret? They are turning their back towards you lol



The point is that they have low health and are inconsistent DPS


Excuse me what?

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this is fine
we basically thought this was how it was for so long
and, realistically, it’s only 15 dps
this is basically fine, though i wish barrier damage might have a little bit of oomph, since 180 on a barrier is still “meh” compared to other barrier smashers, and those who have range

this doe
holy butts
some of us can’t aim, i could handle the lock-on being removed due to actual mechanics and the health of the game, but what the butts is this one

how long have some meta picks stayed meta and basically broken without being touched, and now that symmetra might be a meta choice, it’s not even live for a week and she’s getting MULTIPLE nerfs at the same time?

that’s just disgusting, honestly, coming from the people who took 6 months to fix one bug for her, and now what has it been, over a year or so maybe? for this other bug to fix?

like jfc

i’m not saying this is going to destroy her, but it certainly IS pathetic, looking at what else this game’s gone through, her specifically, along with other “strong pick” heroes


lol it’s just a joke bc a lot of gays (myself included) like to play Symmetra


I mean, the vocal whiners, er, “Majority” got them to revert the Moira fade change, sometimes complaining does get you what you want.

Thanks I wasn’t sure so i just wanted to check

Did they? Can you confirm this?

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But leave the self healing, instant kill, stun, escape, repeat, punching hero that can kill an entire backline right where he is, I’m sure.


All I remember is one day Moira could fade out of stuns.

The forums flooded with Moira threads.

Moira could no longer fade out of stuns.



It was pretty much a given when they did the beam changes that removed the huge punishment for less than great tracking. Guessing they just needed some stats from those changes to make these ones.

people should have seen this new round of beam changes coming from a mile away. Maybe not the exact balance numbers but just some sort of change.


OMG, thank you so much, Blizzard. Now we will never have to worry about the OP Monster Symmetra again.


It’s not just the max damage that got nerfed though. It’s now 60/120/180 instead of 65/130/195, which is literally just dumb. Like, who seriously thought to themselves “oh yeah, Sym is a real threat with a level 1 or 2 beam so better nerf that”.

It’s just dumb.


Have fun against Barrierwatch.


Meanwhile the actually OP dps heroes be like “y’all hear sumn?”


I was being sarcastic.

That’s enough for you to actually claim what you were claiming?

Your standard of evidence is very low

With that logic Brig should be both deleted and reverted. And Mercy should be both buffed and reverted. Same with Sombra.


Oh… I am pissed…

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it was enough for me to use jokingly, which I did so, I don’t know what to tell you.

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