Really love this Community

My Team doing Pretty well at Road 66 until point 3 : " Damn that Hammond is really good she is pretty good whit him "

My team getting destroyed at Point 3 and defend / because we hat 4 DPS at defend and Zenyatta as Solo Healer ) : " Damn fu… that Hammond u are so trash whit him every Report that Hammond for throwing "

My Reaction : " Just a normal day in Toxicwatch "

Hammond Mains has it really hard on Comp because u get blamed for everything :frowning: Month ago 1 guy was screaming " Thank you u stupid Hammond " just because he got killed by Junkrats Riptire xD

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Btw, what sort of buffs did you think Hammond should get?

This is the best I come come up with, but admittedly I don’t play much Hammond.

I dont think he really needs some sort of big Buff maybe just thathe can activate his Shields while in Ball Form. Hammond isnt bad he vcan be a very strong Hero if u knowhow to play him The Problem is just there are way to much CC in the Game and most Toxic Players didnt want to play whit him in a Team because he isnt Meta :frowning:

Well, that’s why I was thinking to give Hammond a “Takes half-CC while Ball”.

Especially against Mei, it’s kinda silly how even one tic of Frost slows a swinging Hammond down like 80%.

Welcome to the life of a Sym/Bastion/Torb/Mei/Orisa/Sombra main.