Re-Tweak Brig- She Tank!

I love Brigs concept. But I think reliance on her healing was a bad move. Brig is supposed to provide tank utility and that means creating and holding space. She struggles with the changes to her being so heal dependent. She’s a heal bot and that’s not what the game needs.

Flex players finally have a tank support to go to when the team doesn’t want to add another tank or support for the standard 222. Why did we not emphasize this? Why pull away from the two roles already low in picks?
My proposal to make brig better suited for her design and role:

  • AOE Rings shown
  • Healing reworked to have 16 hps in her immediate radius (melee range); 3 -5 rings of healing, Bright white/yellow in her mace range, mid ring less bright, Far outer ring faded and white; Fall off healing further away from her (her outer AOE ring only gives 5 hps)
  • Regenerate Passive while out of combat for 3 seconds and shield is Down (She cannot passively regen while barrier is up without inspire); Putting up shield before 3 seconds passes resets timer (If she waits 3 seconds, starts to regen she can put barrier up so she can be weird and shield spam in her walking)
  • Bash triggers inspire like whipshot
  • Bash cooldown to 6 Seconds
  • Shield 500 but slightly wider - maybe 15%?

The purpose is to allow brig to pocket tank and be more mindful of the position of herself and teammates. Additionally, it reminds teammates of the limits of what she does. She can’t heal out of the Aoe. She can’t save you from a dva bomb if you aren’t behind her shield etc. She isn’t about to outheal tracer dmg when you are five miles away. Use her shield. Use her bash. Use her for more than a second healing AOE