Rankup wrong rank glitch

Hi so I was gold 3 on support with 4 wins, I queued my fifth game and won. Usually before it ranks you up it shows your original rank then the new rank, instead of showing gold 3 it showed silver 3 and ranked me up to silver 1. My rank for some reason was randomly changed from gold 3 to silver 3.


Happened a few times to me as well but I am not seeing Blizzard taking any action…


the exact same thing happend to me.
Support games Gold 5. Played my games, had the rank up animation going from silver 5 to silver 1. I feel betrayed :frowning:

Will this be corrected? or will i stay in a infinity loop?


just found this out as well. was gold 4, then got a streak just now, I ranked up from silver 4 to silver 1. it really matters on the lower metal ranks. It’s as if your grind didn’t even matter. old player here since o1. what a bummer.


I have had this happen twice now. I get into mid-silver only to find my next rank update showing me as Bronze 5 “ranking up” to Bronze 1. Meanwhile one of my trio partners continues to rank up, and now I’m limited in what roles I can even queue on.

This bug has ruined OW2 for my friend group and led to us shelving the game for now.


Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.


From my understanding rankups isn’t purely based on win loss ratio, stats have an impact as well. During promotions if you’re going 5 wins 2 losses and you have good stats you’re basically guaranteed a double rank up. Stats do have a play on how much you’re deranking/promoting max being 4 subdivisions. I’ve had friends who’ve gone 5 wins 12 losses with above average stats and haven’t deranked at all. So let’s just assume my win loss ratio wasn’t positive (I don’t remember) do you think I’d be experiencing the same bug or a different bug but with different conditions.


It happened to me as well today, and this is the second time it happened. I will not play ranked ever again. I was plat 4 and the placement update puts me to gold 5 with animation “Gold 1” turning to “Gold 5” eventhough I was plat 4. I grinded back again to plat 5 only to be deranked again to gold 1 with the same “Gold 1” turning to “Gold 5” animation. I’ve been playing OW since 2016 and my friend who just picked up the game is now on plat 3 eventhough we started together. How am I supposed to enjoy playing rank again? It makes me sick of this game, the amount of time and learning time i spent playing is useless and the devs doesnt even bother to listen nor fix this issue.


Blizzard actually changed that recently in this blog post: Overwatch 2 Developer Blog: Explaining matchmaker goals and plans, part 2 - News - Overwatch.

Q: So you don’t take the number of eliminations, damage dealt, healing provided, or any other scoreboard stats to adjust my MMR after each match?
A: In Overwatch 2, your MMR adjustment after every match is not impacted by your performance in each match (regardless of your skill tier). This is for a few reasons. We don’t want players to be focused on doing things other than trying to focus on the objectives and win the match. Dealing the most damage or getting kills won’t help your team if your actions don’t help them push the payload or capture a control point. Also, for some heroes, especially those in the support role, it can be challenging to determine if the numbers they produce reflect their skill.

Assuming the 5 win 15 loss mechanic works as intended, and the subdivision system is just a more obscured version of the old SR system, then there is no possible way a player can remain the same rank despite having a net 7 game loss. That might also be an instance of the unchanging rank bug, which I’ve also compiled in my thread above.


is this ever going to get fixed I just decided to play again got the glitch again.


I have recently experienced this.

I completed a set of five wins at Platinum 5, and was dropped to Gold 5. I logged off, then played a few more games the next day. When I ranked up, I hadn’t checked my current rank, and the game promoted me from Silver 5 to Silver 2, when the game showed I was ranked Gold 5.

Not the greatest player by any stretch of the imagination, but I’ve dropped 2 full rank categories and am wondering if it’s a bug or I’m trash.


If you could, can you record your bugged rank adjustment, making sure that at some point in the video it shows your pre adjustment rank, either from the queue menu or the career profile, and link that video to the thread? It would be an ordeal to have to rerank again, but I believe having more evidence of this bug will only help it be addressed and fixed sooner. None of these issues will be solved if people aren’t vocal about them so if the others in thread could, any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated as well.


This is getting real old. Not a single response and yet 100’s of people with similar issues scattered across dozens of posts.


happend to me again. pretty mad


happened to me multiple times. Was gold 1. Then after the 5 wins it said my previous rank had been gold 5 and I got ranked up to gold 4. Happened again and said I had been silver 5 and ranked up to silver 1. Happened again in bronze. I’ve gone through 4 “rank-ups” and got bronze 1 all of them. The last one I had 5 straight wins and no losses and was still stuck in bronze 1. Then yesterday I won 5 matches and lost maybe 3 and got ranked up to silver 5. Support fisrt said that there’s nothing wrong and such. When i replied again they said to report it as a bug so i guess we need to try that.


It’s chance based I’d have to permanently record my games and constantly check my rank midgame on the fifth rankup game


That is true. There’s no guarantee as to if or when this bug will occur again, all I know is that it is generally account persistent. And as for you recording your games, there is no obligation or duty for you to do so, I was just hoping more players would become aware of and be able to record this bug in action to increase the chances that the Devs fix this issue. However, even without video evidence, just commenting on similar posts regarding this issue would be helpful in getting it addressed as well.

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Happened to me for the first time last night. I was GM4, went 5 wins to 4 losses. After my 5th win I thought I’d see either a derank to GM5, stay at GM4 or if I was lucky rank up to GM3.

Instead, I’m shown on the rank change screen M4 to M3.

It’s a massive slap in the face for anyone who plays the game competitively, considering this hasn’t been fixed since the start of this thread. This game is an actual joke.


I got the same bug yesterday. I was Gold 1 as support and during the update on my rank, it showed my initial rank as being Silver 5 going to Silver 1.
I reported it to the support and will record my next ranking update to have some proof nex time.


Games on fire right now. I went from plat 2 to gold 2 off a 5/5 two losses were from applying update and two were from leavers. (probably got hit with applying update as well) Since Blizzards “Fix” is to open training every time you start the game rather than doing their jobs and pushing a patch to fix the issue asap.
If you somehow survive this bug have fun with the so called “matchmaking” aka queue fixer.
I wouldn’t expect things to change soon given recent events.
Best of luck friend.