Ranking up error (Support Hero)

I won 10 games TODAY (4/12/2023) and been doing good damage, great heals and lots of saves…but every single time I think I am about to rank up, I get a message saying I am at the minimum value for Bronze 5…
(ಥ﹏ಥ) I wont even go up a tier at all and was wondering if anyone else is having this issue???


You can try to play on a new account (the game is free) to practice and try to get a better starting rank were you’ll be able to climb the ladder and grow as a player. Lowest ranks are very hard to escape and also there is a possibility that your account is bugged in some way, so can’t go up even if you’re performing well. This is valid only if you are truly stuck in lower rank due to a bug or bad luck, so you could survive at higher tiers.

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I have the same issue here I even did a 5 win 0 loss and still got from bronze 5 to bronze 5.

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I feel your pain!! I have done 15 matches so far and no matter how well I do, I am still stuck in Bronze 5

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It happened to me the same thing 5 victory for only 4 defeat in role of tank with the most kill the most damage in my team very little death and yet I went from bronze 4 to bronze 4

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It appears you are experiencing the Bronze 5 Minimum Value bug. You are not alone in experiencing this issue. A link to my post in case you’d like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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my friend went 5-0 on support bronze 5 and stayed bronze 5… why???

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It’s definitely a bug. I went 5-0 and 5-1 and didn’t rank up, and says “You are ranked higher than 1% of players in this division” for bronze 5. I out performed most if not all of the other support in those games.

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Having the same bug here. 4 reranks still bronze 5. I don’t want to make a new account because I HAVE SPENT ROUGHLY 100$ ON MY ACCOUNT. BLIZZARD PLEASE! Im sorry it just frustrates me so much because I’m playing in bronze 5 noob lobbies and wasting my time

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21 wins as of (4/14/2023) and still bronze 5 (support) and I don’t even go up a single tier! I definitely believe this is a bug since I am doing great, sometimes even better than dps and tank…I hope this gets fixed soon since the matches in this rank are too easy