Ranked is literally unplayable

how would it take a long time ? you have that in cs go for example. It’s just like when someone asks you to join a group you just press Y or N 1 second. And queueing as a tank main preferable is not at all the same as what we have now because then the matchmaker wouls be supposed to give me 2 tank mains 2 supports and 2 dps…but people might abuse that. Which is why i think a veto system is the best option. People already focus on 1 role most of the time. Flexing non stop is the most stupid thing you can do in this game. You know the saying jack of all trades master of none ? if you don’t focus on one role then you will never perform above average on anything. Also they were already testing what i am proposing with the lfg system expect they killed it with private profiles. How could anyone ever expect people to group with someone who has a private profile for more than 1 game ? and playing as a 6 stack makes the game much harder because it’s more similar to scrims.

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A lot of important people like pros youtubers and streamers and even coaches are begging for a role queue for months but nobody cares apparently. We all just want a positive change to the competitive mode and we are gettign absolutely nothing. At this point they could just try it just to make a difference and see how it works. That’s all we want to try it. We could have a role queue for 1 season or something like an event.

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A soft role que is letting all 12 players que for their preferred role. Entering the game with an even number of healers, tanks, DPS but providing no hard limitations on hero selection

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i think i’ve made my point pretty clear. Having a role queue would solve more than half the problems in ranked especially toxicity because everyone could play what they want and not be forced to deal with 3 or 4 dps. I said the lfg was like a test to see how this would work but they added private profiles so nobody wanted to use lfg anymore. Basically what i am saying is that even the devs have this idea in mind but they take very long time with it or probably have other priorities right now.

I honestly don’t really get your point right now you are argueing that having a role queue is worse than what we have right now ? That makes no sense…i even gave you a very simple and fast solution to make whatever comp you prefer if you don’t want 2-2-2 it just takes 1 second for 6 people to vote.

All this ranting from a private profile smurf. Furthermore you just seem like someone with very high expectations for each individual teammate. I would be confident in saying you’d rage at a pro player playing badly on a off game. I think more of your issues with the game are seeing it from that pedestal you’re on way up there.

Plenty of people, including pros, streamers and youtubers do just fine. Yes, some don’t but those that do understand what solo queue is and those that want more control stack up to two and three. That’s only a problem for the highest ranks where the player base is smaller so LFG with a six stack would be harder to arrange but the rest of the player base works well. Going back to the highest ranks, it’s kinda funny that they all still climb huh.

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not a smurf i have played since season 3 and i should not have a private profile. I just checked my profile on the forums it doesn’t show up properly… I have about 2 K hours or more and my rank is 3.8 peaked at 4.2 and no i do no flame pros or anything like that.

i have 2 accounts and my second account is around 3.5 K and i still can’t find a 6 stack to play with. Nobody wants to use the lfg system and when i rarely try to get a 6 stack together it takes minutes for them to join then even more to find a game then 3 people leave even if we win. Tell me honestly that you or your teammate get to play the heroes they want to all the time ? nobody should be foreced to flex to a hero they don’t want to play or have to deal with 3-4 dps for no reason that’s why we want to have a role queue to make things less toxic and make people happy. If i play my main i am sure going to be more possitive and have more fun.

also my profile seems to have updated now if you were that curious.

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Still these are a lot of assumptions that you cannot really prove unless we experiment with role queue a bit. They can always implement a sort of role queue and make some changes to it they could even add it as a separate game mode so if you want you can play old competitive and a new and hopefully improved role or team queue let’s call it. If they just leave the game like this then nobody will be playing soon enough because people have been complaining about this stuff for far too long and ranked itself has not received any changes at all. Balancing heroes is all fine and good but ranked needs a change too.

That doesn’t mean that ranked should not be changed. 100% of the players would prefer longer queue times if we get better qulity matches. Overwatch is not the type of game that you can play constatly with 3-4 dps and have fun. The second someone picks a 3rd dps people already tilt and lose hope. If the devs would put less time balancing heroes and more in fixing ranked then everyone would be much much happier. I never liked torb he was a very boring hero some people might like him but still a very very small % of the playerbase actually play him…not saying the change is not good and interesting but it doesn’t really help a lot of people. Hopefully it could help to play against brig and goats but still i’m sure everyone would prefer to be able to play ranked and have more quality matches that would make a lot more people happy.

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LFG barely ever gets people looking to join because players are tired of the expectations others put on them JUST to join the group. Often, roles are forced so most people don’t want to play tank game after game. Its basically dead, or only for people looking to form a team for quick play, which usually doesn’t have expectations or limitations. They just want to have fun, which ranked hasn’t been for over a years at least.

True reducing focus on events made them really boring…then again i don’t really care much about events and even if you are the type who enjoys them a lot…they are only on special occasions…ranked is the same pretty much since release. The only change they made was the sr system and how long seasons are…Endorsements don’t have any impact either…what if lvl 1 endorsement would get matched with more or less their same lvl endormenet ? i would be more scared to get toxic teammates and feel better if i was positive and got positive teammate. I just want anything at this point. Playing ranked is a complete waste of time and i see a lot of people asking for changes…most are asking for a role queue but we just get nothing at all so that is very disappointing.

Overwatch is a pretty bad game for all the reasons people talk about here every day. I still play because I’ve invested so much time into it (sunk cost fallacy).


Not uncommon. That’s pretty much the main factor that has kept WoW on top so long. Blizzard has learned to maximize the whole: hook you early, hook you fast, hook you and your time to keep you, design.

But unfortunately, that seems to be all they can do anymore.


Too many bits to quote and I’m in my phone so not sure how to do it. Anyway.

Saty you keep saying “everyone” and the rank you’re at and the people you quote aren’t everyone they are the high end, small percentage of the community.

You ask, why do devs put time into reworks, quality of life changes, etc - well that’s because these things effect the majority of the player base. This cannot be overlooked.

In regards to Blizzard working on things for their games, imo, they are one of the few companies that take time to develop things properly so this is why we don’t see things as fast as we might want. They have said for a while and confirmed most recently in South Korea that they are working on these things, they just use a crawl, walk, run method which I think is a very smart way to go about it.

Now before it’s jumped on, yes there have been bugs and errors for Blizzard releases but you know what, that’s programming and Overwatch is a very unique game. On top of that it’s online so there are so many extra factors that come in, let alone end user hardware.

Blizzard said publically it will come. Blizzard said they’ve slowed up on event focus to focus on other parts of the game. They’ve also recently got into a position to expand the team that works on Overwatch with writers with engineers and i heard that other departments are getting fleshed out so the Overwatch team doesn’t have to assist other departments as much.

This day and age is all about now, but have a little bit of patience, if not, just go elsewhere and come back later. Building the system you want takes a lot of time and imagine if it had flaws, what would you be saying about Blizzard then.


Hey man if you like Overwatch so much why weren’t you playing it instead of posting here?

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Ah yes, the Battlefield V approach, where the developers say that if you don’t like a game, don’t play it. Simple for you, but opens up a can of worms for the developers when players leave because they burnt too many bridges and they listen to people like you who think that the game is fine while the Hindenberg is on fire and it’s about to crash on the ground.

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Thing is, we HAVE been patient. For several MONTHS we have been patient. However, they have allowed smurfs to run rampant on the game, they have allowed the beyond broken Brigitte to ruin the nature of the game, and it’s clear that the vast majority of their focus is on propping up the OWL, which as of right now is struggling to stay afloat (and no, a larger field is not a good thing - means more developers that should be fixing the game are putting their resources toward OWL instead).

It just makes me feel like the developers are passive-aggressively telling players who bought the game for the competitive aspect to go jump in a lake and die, and stating that the only thing that they care about is attracting more whales to keep the shareholders happy.

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To be totally honest, I’m on the hunt for a new game. Only playing Overwatch until I find it…it’s a non-stop ring-around of climbing to 1900 only to get knocked back down by leavers, throwers, or smurfs. Not even a game of skill, more like chance…


All games die and players move on

Seriously if you don’t have fun then why bother to play

Go play something else

The most childish, over dramatic reponse I’ve ever read here.

Yes there is focus on OWL but that’s because it makes them a tonne of money. Money that is spent on systems for OWL that will trickle down to the main game when ready in an uncontrolled environment. This was all publically stated at the South Korea event.

If you think all these things you want can happen in a few months then you are beyond talking to any further.

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how about forming your own opinion?