Ranked is just grindfest now

65% winrate and climbed one rank in 60 games…

You need to play like 300 games every season to be ranked as accurately as possible.

iam not fan of this at all, the rank system should rank you based on skill, performance = rank, but now its just grindy mode. Some t50 players still didnt get to gm1 after hundrets hours


It’s always been like this. I agree it’s bad.

Kinda why I am dumbfounded that people keep asking for resets.

Like… Do you have unlimited free time to grind?

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Lol I guess my estimate was correct. My guess was 70% winrate to climb. Some background info on WHY this is the case here:

tl;dr : incompetently implemented matchmaker “adjustment” factors. Blizz overcomplicated MM and failed