Ranked is broken

This is ridiculous. I’m a Moira main. Highest rank was platinum 3. I am consistently getting 10k+ damage and 10k+ healing every single match in platinum lobbies, yet am losing about 65% of the time due to terrible teammates. I had won my 5 games to rank up, and the game seriously demoted me from gold 3 to SILVER 4. It demoted me 6 whole divisions, when I was supposed to have ranked up, all while I’m putting up 10k dam/heal every single match. What the hell is going on here, and why am I wasting my time to get demoted 6 ranks when I was supposed to have gone up.


Lmaö a moira main complaining about his team mates! Yikes

You make us Moira Mains look bad!

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May you provide me a screenshot of your last matches in your history and then provide all the replay codes from those last matches(the ones that are visible on the screenshot)?

As if you’ve never had your tank all the way in the enemy spawn, alone, dying everytime? Or a dps with 4K damage playing stupid? A healer with 3k healing? It happens all the time, so I’m not sure the point you’re trying to make. Having bad teammates who don’t play smart is not a ‘me’ problem.

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There are no healers in overwatch

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You must have lost a lot of games to derank so much. I would guess you lost 15 games before you won 5. Ultimately, it is winning more games than you lose that ranks you up.

I always wonder how we lose games when I play Moira. My stats look so good. After a lot of analysing it seems that a lot of Moira’s damage is not damage that matters and instead buffs the healing stats of the opposing healers so they get ults more often. It is the opposing healers ults that are then winning games.

This is why I don’t play Moira anymore unless they have a good genji or I can’t stay alive.

The ranking is trash


Yeah, I probably did lose 12 and won 5, but that’s kinda what I’m getting at. Doesn’t seem right to be punished even when I play good. Have you had the same problem with being demoted?

I have one account that’s consistently being deranked from Masters to Diamond, and another that’s GM ez pz. It doesn’t make any sense at all, I think it’s just broken.

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you make me laugh.

its not because of teammates, its you.

skill issue

you can spam heals and damage all you want but whats important is what gets your team the win, it doesnt matter how much heals you spam, if you dont give the opportunity for your tank to do anything, for example you have a rein and you refuse to go kiriko or lucio and now this rein cant close in to do damage because you selfishly chose to one trick moira, and now all he can do is sit there with his shield up taking mindless amounts of damage while your spamming heals up his posterior, you are the problem, because if you were a diamond level support you would be in diamond.

I understand what you’re saying. And it all makes sense. But you can’t say stats don’t mean anything. I’m not even trying to brag, I’m generally trying to understand. A lot of my matches are 30 kill, 10 death games where I’m on the tanks back end pumping healing as well as clearing people out. While the damage run in alone and continuously die. Stats absolutely matter. And a ranking system that isn’t based on your own performance, and based off of if your teammates are also doing there job, doesn’t make sense to me

A lot of support mains including me are seeing the same thing. Our ranks keep going down in spite of the fact that we are improving as players. There is something very wrong with the ranking system.


Same point about that, even if tank is rein, and I play Lucio, and do everything in my power to support him, and the other players on the team are not doing well, you will still get ranked down. This is what doesn’t make sense. You can be the best player in the world, but if your team isn’t helping you will always go down

I don’t know whether it will go anywhere, but I’ve also been so frustrated about this phenomenon that I systematically studied it all through Season 3, and I’ve opened a bug report, with my data attached, on the Bug Tracker:

MMR Fails to Converge, Shows Conspicuous Periodicity

You might consider signing on in the replies, if it’s not too much trouble.

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once your a higher rank you will understand that stats dont mean anything, you can get thousands of picks but if your team is dead whats the point, as a support if your the only good player you have a 50% chance of having a bad or good teammate across the four players, if your truly a good support you already have an advantage, the enemy team has a chance of getting 5 bad teammates, i went from gold to masters in a few days purely off of getting the mindset of “what can i do for my team” instead of “what can my team do for me”
stats dont matter, if your team is getting rolled its not the fault of one or two players but usually the one who takes the blame is the one with the least damage or picks.

this is literally the same case for EVERY single role, you are not special bud.

Stats are just an indication of general output.
Its usually over emphasized by plat and below as being good or bad.

Ive healed less than the losing team and we still won and i ranked up.

Its really about winning team fights and enabling team mates.

im way lower rank but even then i’ve been getting nothing but leavers and people going 1/0/10 lately. past week has been the worst of the season despite working on my aim positioning and whatever else i can, which WAS helping like a week ago

If that is your opinion then just make sure that it works both ways. So you can’t be one of those people saying the masters and gm’s who were stuck in plat in previous seasons don’t belong there either.


what does this even supposed to mean? :joy:

u are the common denominator share a replay code if u want some help