Ranked gave me 2 loses that I didn't have

taking forced 50/50 to a new level I see blizz. shameless, first its randomly booting people from matches despite no internet connectivity issues, now its just giving them losses smh

good chance its a weird visual bug though, but honestly wouldn’t put it past them. Would explain why you can go 5-5 and drop like a rock


I been telling people the ranked system is fake since season 2. You’re seeing the tip of the iceberg. It’s worse than you think.


This game is such a joke. :weary:


I saw people have ranks for role queue like they’ve done placements, but they haven’t done any matches on that role. I think something is really messed up.

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Wait this happened to me; I was 4-1, logged on a couple of days later and was on 4-4. I thought I was going crazy.


You mean a Bethesda game, not a mod for one. The mods are what clean up the buggy mess Bethesda made :smile:


You keep your rank from last season if you got a rank update once in the previous season. It only disappears when you don’t get a rank update on that role for an entire season.

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This happened to me last season its laughable this bug is still happening.

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yep. rigging matches directly sometimes isn’t enough to ensure maximum misery. artificial losses which never occurred, artificially accredited, to invoke maximum misery.

I wanted to add, I’m also getting draws which is wild o.O?

I think this is a bug, I have a vague memory of reading someone from blizzard confirming it. I’ll see if i find it.
ie its a visual bug, your ranking should be correct.

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I wanna say it was this one Overwatch 2 Known Issues - August 24, 2023

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Yeah also this, at least


funny comment below there… “you trust blizzard?” to a blizzard employee

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Either blizz is trying to secretly make people’s lives miserable, or a bug. Either way, it’s frustrating.

Ah, makes sense now

I thought so, but no, when the card had 5 wins, it still showed 3 loses.

My only question is “but why”

Last season I had it, but I had no draw that time, so yeah.

Hopefully, but it’s still so closed, I win I don’t rank up, and IDK if it was visual issue or not.

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I had this happen to me yesterday, as well. I really hope it’s a visual bug.

Everything they’ve done with ranked in OW2 is aimed at retaining fast queues and it sacrifices match quality and skill based matchmaking to do so. I have proof in screenshots that random low rank players were boosted in seasons 3 and 4. This was done to retain fast queues in the less populated higher ranks. Since they’ve completely failed to retain new players, I suspect they’re trying to subtly undo the damage here. People who are de ranking for winning or getting phantom losses, I’d be really curious to see their rank progression throughout overwatch 2 and see if they were boosted in seasons 3 or 4. But I also wouldn’t be surprised if it’s a bug.

I am fine with this. I feel like people forget that in OW1 the match quality was not top either. People in the same rank would absolutely not represent a similar skill. I am ok with faster Q times, but I am sure there are better ways to do it. Harder ways, but better.


I definitely got credit for the loss when it happened to me at least if the math of ranking up and down had logic to it or was well developed. Which it isnt.

I definitely have not forgot but OW1 wasn’t just a static game so which overwatch we talking about? Because pre season 10 overwatch actually had pretty good matchmaking. Matchmaking got significantly worse with role lock where I would consider it bad, barely acceptable for a competitive game but nonetheless, acceptable.

OW2 made matchmaking two or three times as bad. It’s unacceptable for a competitive game, so much that I don’t even consider the competitive system real anymore and many top 500 players agree with me.

I just placed bronze5 support role after going 3-2 in DPS placements.
And my games were against GM1.

Htf is that not layoff tier coding.

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