Ranked 23 on D.Va on overbuff

Um… is this… accurate or… I need to know. Somebody tell me if this is accurate or not. Like I’m shaking… that means i’m good on D.Va then…

I need to know if this is real or not. Someone please tell me, thank you.

Doesn’t matter. If you’re not first. You’re last


Overbuff hero rankings are a mess.

don’t pay much attention to overbuff rankings, they’re mostly useless stat averages.

doesn’t mean you are good, nor does it mean you’re bad

It means you are doing well, yeah. It certainly doesn’t mean you’re a top 25 Dva player.


Overbuff stats are pretty incomplete because of private profiles. But you might be one of the top D.Va players. Then again there probably aren’t that many D.Va players nowadays but it’s a good achievement nonetheless.

At one point I think I was like one of the top 20 or so Sym players on overbuff but that doesn’t really mean much…

it means that you’re 23 out of 25 people who play dva in 2020.

Kidding aside, it definitely means that you’re not bad, but it’s also nowhere accurate enough to tell you if you’re on the top 25 best dva players, nor the top 100 nor the top 1000 players.

You could be! but it’s not because overbuff ranked you 23.

Oh also something else. Sometimes you have overbuff telling you that a 4k widow is better than a 4.5k widow. That’s pretty much never the case. Never ever. So keep that in mind.

I’m sorry if I sound negative. Like I said though, what you should take out of it is that you’re good in Dva compared to your SR tier. So well done!


I like the way you think.

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It doesn’t really mean anything else except that you have found more success on D.va than most of the other players. That’s most likely due to your rank being kind of low since D.va is not high tier viable which means that even when better D.va players try to play her in high ranks they get dunked so hard that they end up getting less stats and success than you which seems like they’re “performing worse” than you

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Would this mean only among players who has an public profile? Overbuff can’t seem to track players with a hidden profile.

You are top 23 on ladder with a public profile. I would be proud of it.

I don’t think so. Dvas rankings are completely screwed up. They have emmong below you and he’s a 4200 pro Dva player

You are doing good but overbuff rankings aren’t something to look at. It seems like because you play Dva in a lot more of your matches they are weighing you a lot higher then a lot of top players

I mean, literally nobody plays D.Va above plat so yeah. Hell even in the lower elos she’s almost non existant save for bronze.

That said though I did do my placements on a diamond smurf with D.Va. Unfortunately I haven’t played enough apparently for Overbuff to give me a rank.

Anyway still, congrats with the rank.

I was top 15 McCree for a bit at 3.2k because I had extremely good stats and 100% wr for 9 games. That’s despite McCree being a popular character and me being way below a top tier. The ranking is useless. You’d know if you were top 25 on a meta hero because you’d be top 100 ladder. You’d know if you were top 25 on a non meta hero because you’d be 4200+

Not to say you aren’t doing well you clearly are getting great stats. It’s just the metrics they use don’t care enough about what tier you’re playing in.