Rank Stuck Bug?

Okay I know it sounds like I am being salty about my placement and continued placement, but it doesn’t seem intended. I was placed in Bronze 2 for support, and was told many people got Bronze 5, but it was easy to rank up. So, I continued playing and won 7 games which ranked me up to Silver 4, seeing that I thought it would continue moving me up and such so I won another 7, but I stayed at Silver 4; I thought maybe it was a one-time bug or I didn’t do well even though I didn’t lose more than I won, So I won another 7, and lost only 2 games… but it kept me at Silver 4. I don’t know if it’s a visual bug or I am really just that bad, I guess.

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I have the same thing happen to me! I won together 14 wins, and I keep staying the same. I mean, my stats were high as support. So I’m confused why I didn’t move up.

same here, i was promoted from Gold4 to Gold4.

Following, hope to get a result fast, cause its no fun to play if the rank hardstuck with wingames.

You lucky boy , I just got kicked back to Bronze 5 from Silver after a 7 wins. My progression since the launch: Bronze 5 - Bronze 5 - Bronze5 - Bronze 5 - “Patch”- Bronze1 - Silver 4 - “Patch” - Bronze 5 - Bronze 2

Went from gold 4 to silver 1 and have won 28 games since then everytime I”level up” it’s so silver 1