Rank Stuck at Silver 4

Same glitch other players have reported at different ranks been constantly stuck on silver 4 ranks up and stay the same but shows silver 2 in the career profile.

Stats also arent updating/showing.


The problem is that You are not matched by skill but randomly. They say it does not matter but it does. It does because You play with poor players, low ranks/ begginers, so You perhaps have better effects than they (more kills, more damage etc, less deaths). You should be matched with better players after such game, because You have better skill, but You are not. You are still matched with randoms, so You are losing, lose points and go lower and lower ranks. It make people frustrated, because no matter how they skill up they still play with worse and worse players. Thats why ppl quit OW, thats why there is million posts about matchmaking on social medias and here, on forum, but noone from Blizzard care.


I que support and have been stuck at silver 4 , for almost 28 wins… i out preform every healer in my lobby almost every game and i can win 7 and lose 3 in a rank up and still stay silver 4 . im so confused because this is not happening to alot of my friends and it is making it difficult to play with them when everyone is progressing in ranks but me. I dont know what to do but im so tired of it


Hopping in here – I have had the same issue. Got placed Bronze 1 DMG, got promoted to Silver 4 and have been stuck for the last 45ish games. I have done 5 promotions at this point, all keeping me at Silver 4 with 14 of those wins being consecutive. Typically not losing more than 3 games in the other promotion periods. Makes playing comp feel pointless.


This is still happening now in season 3, its insane they have not done anything, been silver 4 on tank the last 4/5 rank updates


Sounds like you might be experiencing either the bug that prevents your rank from being adjusted or the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s tons of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. Any help in spreading the word about this thread would be greatly appreciated.

Same goes for me, I potentially most games outperform most of the dps in my game and pull off 5-0 or 5-2’s and still be hard stuck S4. (P.S I’ve had a rank update about 12 times and still no change lol)

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Same thing here, S4 but it is so stupid because no matter how many times i 5-0 i dont move. To make it even worse i did the qualifiers for support and not to my suprise it also gave me S4 so now I am S4 for support and damage, it is impossible to move up or down even if i purposfully 0-15

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I have the exact same problem as a support player, being stuck at silver 4 despite 21 wins with only 5 defeats at worst and 0 at best ( most being only 5 wins for 3 defeats ). I don’t know what to do about it, does anyone on this thread have been able to do something about this ??

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I just made a thread about this, then noticed this thread, then saw that its from oct 22… jesus christ.

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