Rank randomly dropping

Anyone else have an issue where their rank, for example, is M5 and after doing your 5 placement matches you go from D3 to D1 even though you were never diamond? It’s happened to me on tank and support. I went from GM3 to M3 to M1 after only 5 games. It’s so annoying.


Yup this just happened to me was gm5, noe d1 and I can’t go any higher no matter how good I do in my update


Im having the same issue. I was Gold 3 support, was in a losing streak okay, but got demoted to Silver 4 (thats almost a whole tier, which is weird in itself). Now I keep doing like 5wins - 1Loss and I can’t rank up.
The MM algorithm really is broken


I have some questions for other people experiencing this right now. Did you notice something strange in matchmaking when this happened?

Did you suspect that some of the players where not real people, but bots? I give you a hint, using voice lines as messages in the text chat, or very generic messages that make no sense at all. Picking wrong heroes, jumping around instead of walking, refusing to shoot an enemy, playing to lose, but not too obvious, without disconnects, or afking, just pretending to play, but with intend to lose the game. I suspect infestation of bots that are messing intentionally with the ranks for some reason. Maybe someone is testing AI in ranked, maybe Blizzard, maybe someone else.

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You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Assuming your win-loss ratio is positive, you might be experiencing the bug in which during a rerank, your initial rank is demoted five subdivisions before the adjustment takes place. There’s a ton of posts under my thread about players with those exact bugs if you’d like to read more about it. Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I put your thread under: Incorrect Rank Adjustment. If you can, could you record your bugged rank adjustment, making sure that at some point in the video it shows your pre-adjustment rank, either from the queue menu or the career profile, and link that video to the thread? Any help in spreading the word about this megathread would be greatly appreciated.

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Someone correct me if I’m wrong, but account botting used to be a somewhat rare occurrence back in Overwatch 1 which were done to be sold as smurf accounts for high level players. I’m sure this still exists, but probably to a lesser extent seeing as creating new accounts is now free. Given the sheer complexity of this game, I would be extremely impressed if someone managed to code a realistic low skill bot to play competitive games, but I also can’t rule that out as a possibility. Given the disgrace that is 12 subdivision skill deltas, my guess is that those are just legitimate low skill players being placed into high skill competitive lobbies. The bugged rank adjustments screwing up everyone’s ranks doesn’t help the matchmaker either. But all of that is just my opinion.

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The only proof I have is my current season high (which is what I started at during this incident) and a clip of me going from M3 to M1 but idk if that would still work for the thread.


It’s been happening to me for about a month and it’s super annoying. Puts me in a rank and when it ranks me again it’s the same “number” but one lower.

So I’ve been stuck in between gold and silver :confused:


This happened to me. Was randomly dropped from Gold 3 to Silver 2 even though I was never Silver before :smiley:
And just like you I am now stuck and even when I won 5 games and lost 2 I was placed silver 2 again…


This is so ridiculous since Im stomping the games in Silver 4 since it’s not my correct elo. It’s so broken.


Welp, I got my 5 wins only to stay in M1. This game is so broken.


I was sitting at G1, and after the 5 win update, I’m now at S1… Didn’t hit the 15 loss cap, so I’m really not sure what’s going on at this point… Going to try getting another 5 wins and see if the rank changes


That’s unfortunate. To show that this bug has occurred, the pre-adjustment rank and the initial rank of rank adjustment must both appear in a continuous video to show the bugged 5 subdivision demotion. This bug appears to be account persistent however, so if you could, it should be fairly feasible to recreate. It would be a hassle to do, but more evidence of this bug would certainly be helpful to the Devs. However, it’s perfectly fine if you don’t want to go through that trouble again. Just commenting on this and similar threads would be helpful too.

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