Rank decay was a lie I guess?

Ended the season with

Diamond 5 on tank from finishing placements.
Diamond 5 on dps
And Masters 5 on Support

The announcement was made saying that there wasn’t supposed to be any seasonal rank decay?

So why the hell did my rank get dropped to:

Diamond 1 for support
Plat 1 for dps
And my tank rank just flat out removed and I’m being told to re-do placements (AGAIN) to figure out what my new rank is supposed to be?

I also didn’t get any of my seasonal rank titles (which should be Masters Challenger because I reached masters with support???)
Why did I get my rank dropped???


Yup wondering the same thing, I ended at Diamond 5 and now I’m Plat 1 and did not receive the Diamond rewards. Lame!

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It was stated in the latest patch notes that if you don’t play/win at least 5 games, you will become inactive in that role and not receive a ranking, similar to OW1

The game deranks you based on your MMR. So if you were M5 but then dropped to D1, it’s most likely due to you playing games and not winning ( such as your 5 games consisting of 1w-4l but then not playing enough for a rankup) which isn’t decay. Blizzard should’ve been more transparent about this warning players of a potential rank drop, but this is not what decay is.

It was stated in the latest patch notes that if you don’t play/win at least 5 games, you will become inactive in that role and not receive a ranking, similar to OW1

Did the placement matches not count towards this?

The game deranks you based on your MMR. So if you were M5 but then dropped to D1, it’s most likely due to you playing games and not winning ( such as your 5 games consisting of 1w-4l but then not playing enough for a rankup) which isn’t decay. Blizzard should’ve been more transparent about this warning players of a potential rank drop, but this is not what decay is.

What the hell is the point in waiting for 5 wins to reflect rank if it doesn’t matter and it gets tallied based on current status then? If I had known this was going to happen then I’d have just kept playing or not bothered playing at all.

Something is up. I played many games and one account ended P5, and another P4. But I log in today and see G1 and P3.

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I think that guy was just making sh~t up. It happened to a lot of people, myself included, I ended Masters and got Diamond rewards (and even then not really the title didn’t even unlock LOL)

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Usually, when I don’t know what I’m talking about, I find it useful to leave the talking to somebody who does.

Now that issue is a bug on Blizz’s behalf for ending one rank and getting rewards for another.

The issue described above is different.

what are you saying lmao ik ppl who left it at wins only but not enough for rank up that still decayed

weird i ended in diamond 5 master 3 diamond 4 and kept it, but I stopped playing on main once i hit tier 80 in the bp cause i made the mistake of buying it.

You are not alone in experiencing this bug. Linking my post in case you would like to read more about this issue: Comprehensive Thread Of All Top 500/Competitive Bugs. I’ve compiled a list of posts regarding similar bugs under: End-Of-Season Competitive Rank And Rewards (Seasons 1-4). Please help in spreading the word about this megathread and other related threads, we must demand the Developers to give us the rewards we rightfully earned.

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