Randomly Logging Out

Hi guys,

I don’t know if this is a bug but it has been happening to me since the CNY update. I keep on getting logged out and lost connection to server even though my wifi is fine. My average stats are FPS 60 and 70 -90 MS. I’ve been logged out at least 4x this week and left such amazing gamesplays. Sometimes during the game, it gets stuck for no reason. I don’t want to get banned from leaving games since it is not my fault. Is there any solutions to this problem?



I have the same problem and they gave me -75% EXP from QP


Yep. Has been occurring regularly for months. I first noticed in back in January and made a post about it on the old forums (which never received a response).

Get kicked out of battlenet with the error “Lost Connection to Game Server”. Sometimes in game, sometimes in the menu. Some nights it’s just once, but can be up to 6 times in 2 hours. No other services are interrupted. I’ve gone through all the steps in the Disconnection and Latency guides.

Since clearly a lot of players have this issue (there are numerous threads with many responses from players saying they’ve experienced the same in this, and on the old forum), I have two suggestions:

  1. Allow players to retake their spot in the game they were in. It takes at most 5-10 seconds to restart the game but if you rejoin your friends, the spot is always already taken. Reconnect should be a super basic function, surely. If that gets fixed, it’ll be a LOT less infuriating to players.

  2. Do not penalize for connection issues. I’m personally always on Quickplay, not even Competitive, and I’m being punished for your error. -75% XP is extremely harsh given that I’m not leaving matches by choice. Plus it rolls over day after day and stacks up the more it happens. Don’t assume just because a player drops that they are trolling.

I’m begging you Blizzard, please do something about this. If you can’t fix the drop, at least fix the symptoms.


Today appears to be one of those days where it happens every 5 minutes or so. Being penalized yet again for just wanting to play this game legitimately.

Here’s a suggestion: If you must assume everyone who drops is doing it on purpose; why not auto reconnect them to the game they were in? Then trolls can’t leave by disconnecting their wifi and join different matches, and legit players don’t suffer for nothing.

Seriously, PLEASE stop punishing your legitimate players. This is ridiculous. I’d just stop playing the stupid game for a few days but the penalty rolls over. Just an awful user experience.


I’m having the same issue! It’s so frustrating and I just received -75% on my next 10 games. Can we get some help on this issue? I get booted out towards the end of almost every game.

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Yeah they really need to not roll over the penalty. I did nothing wrong and I keep getting 10 game penalties. Can they take this penalty off for server problems?

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I only got penalized for 4. Then I was dropped with 20 seconds left in a match and it still went down to 3. Worked it down a bit more, then I was dropped again with a minute or less left and it went up from 1 to 2.

I don’t really care that much about the XP or the crummy loot boxes, but for the love of all, why can you not at least try to reconnect me to the game I’m just about to finish?! :cry: It’s not as though I’m having any connection issues whatsoever, it just unceremoniously drops me out to the login screen.

Might be time to go back to TF2. :wink:


Still happening today. Le sigh. The weird thing is, I was experiencing actual connection issues today also and the symptom of that was my character constantly rewinding (freezing) but it didn’t drop me. :-/ Went through two matches like this because I didn’t want to leave to fix the problem and get penalized.

Anyway , Blizzard: Reconnect: TRY IT. Don’t just dump me to the login screen. Why do I need to restart the game to try and manually rejoin and lose my place? So annoying…

You could also not penalize if people rejoin the match they were just in. Saddest thing , just sitting and watching my friends play because the only game I want to be in is the one you just dropped me from.

Still playing sometimes… Did start playing TF2 again though. That game is timeless.

Coming back once again to say that this is still very much an issue. Please fix.

Having the same issue on and off. Is it just the Europe server??

Exact same problem. Everything is going completely smoothly, no ping issues, mid fight, no interruption in bliz voice chat, nothing - and WHAM, logout screen. One frame I’m playing fine, the next I’m logged out.

Same randomness to it as well, sometimes won’t happen on a given night, sometimes happens 4-5x a night.

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Are you guys still having this problem? I’ve encountered 2 days ago. I think i’m sitting at an 8hr penalty. It would run the game all the way till the match is over. Search for next competitive match than boom, re-join failed, check Blizzard App and had me disconnected. Had ZERO problem with it before. Now out of the blue it’s happening. I’ve checked Blizzard troubleshooting guide but that’s just basic checks.

I’m facing this issue as well.

At this point, I don’t think we’d ever find a solution to this.

I have found a solution, for me anyway. For whatever reason, I never experience this issue if I host the party. Literally ever. It’s been months. Something weird about joining my one friend’s connection causes me to drop constantly, even though they never have issues being dropped themselves either. Don’t get it.

It saddens me that this issue still happens to me on console, in 2019. I seriously can’t even have fun in the game anymore because I lag out of 1/3 of my games.

Hello, I have the same issue as well on PC. Sometimes, I get logged out, and can log back into the game right away. And sometimes I just get a screen with loading and the I get reconnected back into the game automatically.

That sounds like my problem, it started happening after about 2 1/2 months of having the game

This happened to me 4 times tonight and i got a penalty while doing to placement matches.

So ye… thats still a thing i guess… 5 times in the last hour.

Your issue is seperate from the original post. There is a mass issue affecting multiple players at this moment. Please be mindful of the dates of the posts when commenting about tech support issues.