Randomized rolling mmr reset or maybe pay to reset

I don’t see a problem with letting the system replace your mmr from time to time.

I understand resetting it for everyone is not desired. A sequential rollout may alter people behavior so why not a randomized mmr reset rollout? Randomly your account will get reset maybe during the start of a new season…?

OR I remember in wow you paid gold to reset you skill points, why not offer a pay service $5 to reset?

At this point if people believe they can play better I don’t understand why the strict control and the absolute denialism of things neither side can prove.

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I mean technically smurfs could just throw to get down, then absolutely keep on smashing people. Then once they reach a certain rank use an MMR reset to go down alot.

Could be used for boosting too technically.

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I fail to see how this differs from current behavior. Smurfs play for either a service or to test their chars or for Quick play in comp.

The only difference is for non smurfs or the people who dO try to up their game but still don’t manage to rank up.

You didnt provide any explenation why it should be happening. People believing how they should be higher isnt valid reason at all as its not supported by evidence and when people like that show their replay codes, its usualy pretty obvious that they are where they belong already.

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People can rank up perfectly normally, though people fail to see that it might take a few hundred matches per rank. It isn’t a quick process and it shouldn’t be.

Plus it would make deranking/boosting much quicker.


Let’s recap.

On this forum. I see people complain and wonder about the system - I admit is speculation. A “group” speculation kinda like the “Mandela effect”.

On the other side people want “proof” but people outside the system cannot possibly prove anything, and absence of proof actually doesn’t “disprove” anything. And ultimately providing a video is speculation because your “speculating 1 game” and judges that person entire game experience (that sounds reasonable!).

Here I am trying to provide a means for which said people who are experiencing a bad experience a means to offer a window out. AND would make derankers fall faster (which means less games that drag other people down) and provides an artificial boost (like putting new accounts at gold is boosting a new player) - however if the system is “near perfect” they would fall down anyway.

I still don’t see why is this bad. It’s random and unpredictable so people cant depend on it, the paid version would allow people to actually want to boost their game sense and then try to place higher. Ultimately might actually result in less accounts created.

Stop people from doing too often so it’s not every season…

Why would you want to reset to place and be at the same SR when you are done?

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Gotcha cause the system is near perfect and would just place you where your at? Well let’s try it and see what happens. Maybe an A/B experiment for next season.

I wonder, what if, let’s try!

I mean it is… If you are winning the same amount of games on average as you are losing you are in the rank you belong. I can disprove your logic by just saying the games get harder as you climb the ladder therefore you are playing against better players.

No it would be chaos with everyone starting in one rank, a lot players would be under or overplaced after placement. But eventualy everyobe would drop or climb back to where they were before. Maybe few individuals would stay sucked lower or keep their higher position. But these people were already climbing from R going down before.

So reset is virtualy useless.

If an MMR reset happens, rules need to be applied and it should be like this.

  • Everyone has their entire account MMR history cleared.
  • There cannot be any previous MMR History to influence the new MMR after reset.
  • New Ranked Matches should start off as Blind Ranks for XX amount of games mixed with any and all skill levels (since technically everyone is starting with a clean slate there is no skill levels determined)
  • Fresh/New Accounts cannot join ranked matches that are 2 weeks from ending. (prevents trolling, smurfing and throwing whether intentional or not)
  • Accounts that havent joined the Current Ranked Season cannot join the last 2 weeks of Season with players who already started (prevents trolling, smurfing and throwing whether intentional or not)
  • IF New or Any Account that has been active for a while but has not joined a Ranked Season during the final 2 weeks, they should all be pooled together in their own group.
  • Increase the account level requirement for joining competitive to ensure they are experienced enough with the gameplay system, deter (cannot prevent) smurfing & cheaters to which they have to work harder to accomplish their egregious goals.
  • Veteran accounts should NOT be able to group with NEW accounts until at least they have proved their rank (Where the MMR supposedly balances out after XX games), not just via placement matches. This should slow down Boosting/Cheating.

I get these maybe flawed ideas, but they have merit if executed properly.

You missed the subject - RANDOMIZED rollout

Next season not everyone will have it reset. The season after that, only some people again - but not all. Random meaning no1 will know nor can “depend” on it.

Paid version, not everyone is going to do it (or maybe everyone will - lol that means the price was set too low AND the desire was there - I’m sure everyone south of Gold will try the lottery).

*Just thought of a mixed version, random people only get the option to pay.

LMAO, got it, so chaos forever. Basicly amplified smurf/alt issue. Because that is exactly what randomized reset would be.

Poor golds lol.

Find then - make it optional enrollment?

I love how people just “give up” when faced with a problem - especially when the problem doesnt involve them.

Reset is exactly what people who gave up wants. They gave up to actualy get better at game and they think reset will be sone kind of salvation pushing them up in rank. Wrong…

I did a reset - bought a new account and hovering near plat.

I guess I should accept I am silver in one account and high gold in another? (and I am not the ONLY ONE!!!)

Oh and by the way, after a year in silver I did get out with my tank… I DID NOTHING different. I credit Rein buff. And on THIS account, my other tank is at silver. (I almost accepted that my “tank” is at silver).

You do not need an MMR reset for that, especially if you think that you belong higher than where you are.

Just buy an alt account and you will be placed in Gold immediately, There you have it, a higher SR than where you currently are at.

The question then remains whether you can keep it or not.

I created this account to learn different support heroes, than the ones on my main, and slowly started to make this my main account. I place Gold and went down to Bronze because I could not play Mercy at a Gold lvl. I climbed from Bronze to Gold with Mercy while learning her and also picked up on a lot of other things I was unaware of, like general gamesense. I learned, I improved, I ranked up.

I can tell everyone here that I think that I deserve to be Plat or Diamond and ask for an MMR reset so I can be put there, because my teammates are keeping me down, or I can just go and buy a Plat or Diamond account and see how well I do there.

Also, worth mentioning, playing in a non-comp environment, that is scrims with and against better players than you will not do a lot to help you to overcome the issues one experiences in a solo Q Comp environment. I have no doubt that I can win games while playing with a Diamond team, but that does not tell me that I am Diamond, it only tells me that they are carrying me, have noticed that I am not up to par and they are babysitting me and telling me what to do. I have no idea how Diamond games are being played, since I never played in one, but I do not know that they are played completely different than my Gold games.

People’s inability to adapt to general things that plagues their elo is the reason why they are not ranking up. I see no reason why you would flame your Ana for example for not having the gamesense to heal you or the aim to heal you in Bronze.

If you notice smth like that, you acknowledge it, you move on and you position yourself in a way where there is cover or preferably a healthpack, especially if you are playing DPS. You also cannot go all aggo Rein just because you saw a T500 do it and succeed at it and then blame your team for not following up, because they will not know in Bronze or Gold how that is at that moment the right play even if you call it out because they are all used to never going pass the choke and just sit there and blame everyone else for losing the game.

An MMR reset will not fix those issues. Players will still play the same way they always did and will still continue to blame the same things they always did.

Thats not too far from each other. Nothing extraordinary. Do you invest exact same of time into both account and do you play in same way and same heroes?

I like this thread for asking questions about MMR. However this is a false equivalency:

On the one side, we have players who understand the concept of handicapping and deny that Blizzard has the right to secretly rig their ranked matches. On the other side we have a soulless corporation trying to make their product as addictive as possible by any means necessary in the pursuit of profit, denying the existence of the handicapping system by omitting any mention of it from their users. These are not equivalent forms of denial, and the latter is deeply wrong.

And we have the words of Scott Mercer, lead designer of Overwatch, confirming that this is the case:

This is not a case of “neither side can prove.” The issue is proven.

No - once I saw I could hit plat in one season (moving UP from gold to plat) I thought I could get my main thats been playing since season 1 to atleast gold… That journey is still going - 88 games won this season, 197 games won last season, 114 season before. 1149 455 hrs on dps all seasons.

With the tank - 816 hour mostly in silver, and somehow I miraculously got out of silver to a solid 2162 - with Rein at a 68% win rate (just around the time they buffed him).