Random Overwatch Crashes not just me but also the teammates

Here is the shutdown happening to someone on stream. It happens multiple times and to teammates. Twitch

Another game where teammates and myself just crashed out to desktop without any error messages or error logs. Again only happening to one team as we were nearing the last objective.
N1EMY5 (EU realm)

Had the same thing happen to me yesterday, conveniently during a comp game. And the enemy team had zero issues.
Now it appears to be happening today as well. Seems like, as soon as someone targeted you, they can kick you out whenever you are in a game.

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I mentioned this in another thread but it happened to me a few days ago, the game just alt+f4 it’s self. I log in today to play some QPC, got backfilled into a defeat screen then the game shuts itself off. It was fine yesterday and it seems to be happening randomly. Here is hoping the patch for the new event fixes whatever this is.

This happen me just an hour ago, my teammate was dced and then suddenly me and other support got dced too. My game crashed and went straight to desktop. I am playing at Asia/Sea server.

happened twice tonight. ten to fifteen minutes ago, and just now. i wrote about this in another thread;

there is an issue where groups on PC will suddenly crash to desktop for no apparent reason, this thread describes it to a t. happened so much last night. it was like a wave - first one person would appear as though they had left group, then stopped playing overwatch. then it would happen to the next person, then the next, until the only one left in the group/playing overwatch was the sole PS4 player. there was no countdown, error code, nothing.

when i joined back after the first CTD, i was in the group as normal. all the PC players were there in the group like we’d never left. so we all right-clicked to leave the group and create a new one. we got into the same match we’d crashed during as spectators, then another CTD happened. there seems to be no noticeable pattern or trigger. this has happened while i was using a different wireless network. we’re just crashing to desktop with no countdown, error code, nothing.

there is nothing new in my C:\Users\MissM\Documents\Overwatch\Logs\errors\ folder.
the last line of the Overwatch.log file in C:\Users\MissM\Documents\Overwatch\Logs reads:
[25680] [ERR] [bnl] [External(0)] [External()] [2022-04-01T23:20:44.521Z]: VivoxSDK: [20220402T00:20:44] {5150} ERR: [VivoxSystem::timer::Start(46)]Assertion Failure - ‘!IsRunning()’

it really seems like this is deliberate. we go through a bunch of matches where this doesn’t happen, then face off against another stack and suddenly get a bunch of CTDs.

I’ve heard other people say it is hackers, but can that be true if it is happening in quickplay? Maybe it is a glitch that happens sometimes, but some people have figured out how to cause the glitch in competitive? I’ve seen where two people leave from different teams at almost the same time, but I only know what happened to my teammate because the enemy did not come back to say why they left or how they crashed.

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+1 Happened to me and my 4 other teammates as well in a comp game yesterday. We had the same symptoms like the others described (game crashed to desktop for all of us at the same time without any messages or packet loss icon, like pressing alt f4. Enemy team had no DC). Then happened in QP as well today. I had no crashes of Overwatch since around 3 years and I have not changed any of my network settings or drivers.


Keeps happening to me and my friend… Every time we open overwatch and go in a queue both of our overwatch clients will close at the same time.

We have tried reopening 4 times and after a small amount of time in queue both of our clients close without warning?

Seems like a straight up alt f4 situation.

(we had done 3-4 games before this started happening)

EU Servers

My game client also crashes about 1 - 3 times everyday. There is no error message at all. Glad I’m not the only one experiencing this.

I’m on Windows 10 and playing on EU servers.

Just an update.

This is still being tracked and investigated but no ETA. It still seems to be a relatively small number of players overall. I personally only had the issue happen once early on but haven’t been able to replicate it since. Others it seem to be happening much more frequently.

If you have friends or acquaintances experiencing the issue and they haven’t yet reported it, please send them to this thread. The more reports, the more data we can get, the more likely and more quickly a solution will likely be found.

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Game closing itself twice during a ranked game, two teammates had the same issue, only happened on the last round of busan on the map with the flying train.

-50SR and a 15 minutes ranked ban for no reason. I want my SR back.

AMD 5800X Nvidia 3080 Asustek Rogstrix 570F

Please don’t tell me hackers are able to actually DDOS ppl now…

Can appear to be random, but disabling voice chat in game and using it on blizzard app and other third party reduced or made the issue not happen at all.

Which that issue, at least with me and my friends started at code of violence update.

About 9 days ago I enabled again the VC and got the same issue yesterday.

I’m trying cloudflare dns to see if it’s solves it. But I think one of my friends used OpenDns one and the rest Google Dns

I hope it helps for something.

Here is a post I made with a replay link of my QP match where the entire game, the red team is dropping players due to crashes. There is no error when this happens, the game just closes as if you alt f4’d. I did record it happening on my end that will help diagnose it.

Also there are other players with multiple replay links showing this happening too. Here’s the replay code for my match: HNN812

Happened to me about a week ago on Route 66. First our Moira left and quickly rejoined. Shortly after, the two in my stack and I had the same crash to desktop. We were all able to rejoin almost instantly but the damage was already done, as the other team did not have any disconnects.

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Happened to my EU group in QP maybe 5 days ago. 4 of us (out of 6) were sent back to desktop with no warning, no error message or crash box. The game simply terminated without warning.

We rejoined the group and it happened again. We were easily beating the other team on Dorado, but that’s obviously not proof that it was a disgruntled player using an exploit.

happened AGAIN just now.
defense on eichenwalde quick play, we were in a 6 stack when the wave of CTDs begun

UPDATE 03/04/2021 02:49AM: booted up OW to rejoin my group. i managed to do this but was given a “you have been removed from voice chat” error message, before the issue fixed itself and let me back into voice chat. one second later i crashed to desktop.

I have also encountered this. 3 people including myself had our games randomly close mid round, no error message or anything to suggest an issue & the game loads right back up when you manually relaunch it without a problem.

My suspicion is this is some kind of cheat/exploit as there are reports of this happening frequently and to only one team in a lobby.

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had this issue right now all of my teammates crashed like me just to desktop.
I was able to just launch the game normal and rejoin but after a few seconds all of us crashed again in ranked.
Lost 50 sr and got 1h ranked ban :))


Just had the exact same thing happen in my comp game. Only just reinstalled today after a long break.
Overwatch really has become a joke, no wonder comp is the new QP and so few players remain.