Rammatra ult needs to be nerfed

Need a Lucio with hakuna matata

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its only stupid during OT like what doggo said, you have to get on the point and give him what he wants or lose the game

Idk what they have been even thinking when designing that one.

I guess he had just nothing else special to offer to wow you like echo copying another hero etc.

I don’t mind the ult except for the ridiculous slowdown if caught in even just the edge of it. Even if you tell your team to “run” and everyone’s on board with the strategy, you just get skulked down. I think if they nerf the movement penalty, it wouldn’t be so bad. Just like any other ult or “boss fight” where you need to learn the mechanic to avoid, but right now it feels super difficult to leave the ring of pain.

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Is the game Rammatra versus 5 enemies? Or Rammatra + 4 of his teammates against 5 enemies?

You all act like as soon as he ults, his other 4 teammates don’t do anything if you’re only factoring his damage alone.

Damage from his ultimate I don’t think is problematic. It should be easy enough to heal through it such that the team can kill him quickly to end it. But for less skilled players or uncoordinated teams, the situation with his ultimate is especially difficult for them to deal with. Supports are heavily relied upon to keep the team alive long enough for Ramattra to be killed and when you’re dealing with lower skilled or uncoordinated teams and supports, the situation whether or not you have attentive supports is debatable. And this is killer when you’re dealing with, not just with Ramattra and his ultimate, but all the other combinations of damage and pressure against the team. And Ramattra’s ultimate supplements that, making any situation where you’re having to deal with it, much worse. Uncoordinated teams, or less skilled ones simply don’t have the skills to deal with it.

That’s why it could be a problem and why the possibility of Ramattra seeing some kind of duration limit on his ultimate is likely.

As a support, I typically don’t have any problems dealing with one ultimate and defending my team against it. But I also see a lot of my team dying to stuff like D.va’s Self-destruct when I’m not Lucio, or Winston in containing or defending against it.

And likewise, when I play Ramattra, I make sure that Mei is eliminated, Rein’s not available or removed from play before I turn on Annihilation and eliminate the enemy team. Just like I would do if I was playing Soldier and removing D.va from her mech before turning on Tactical Visor. I make absolutely sure the enemy team is limited on defenses before I use my ultimates to maximize the damage I do.

There’s no movement penalty in Nemesis form or during the ultimate. Ramattra just gets a flat 20% bonus to movement speed (making his base speed 6.6 meters per second against everyone’s 5.5), while in Nemesis form. With Block, it is a percentage reduction, so he’s actually still moving faster than Doomfist would be if Doom were using Powerblock.

Yeah, this is an important key detail here that most of you are missing.


If Rammatra is playing at a rank so low the supports don’t know how to respond, he’s probably to low rank himself to use Annihilation without getting himself killed

Just get a Ram ulting rushing the team and holding block with 2 competent support pumping heals into him and it’s GG for all low ranks lol

Step 1.) Activate Sound Barrier/Coalescence/Transcendence/Rally or any area control ultimate (Photon Barrier/Blizzard).

Step 2.) Kill his supports, then kill Ram

You can also stun Rammatra, which vastly increases your damage against him even with heals OR gives you time & distance to get away.

Or even better. Put up a single Mei wall, run away and watch his ult go up in smoke.

Sooooo many options. If you stil struggle after all that advice you really are just bad

You under estimate how uncoordinated bronze can be…

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If it’s Bronze the Ram is probably dying in ult

I wouldn’t doubt it but you get a competent gold or silver ram with 1 brain cell than it’s GG lol

Sure, but tbh Ram has so much in his kit I’d be surprised if they even remembered what buttons to press


Watch any bronze doom just spam EVERYTHING, it’s funny af lol. They jump in and before slam lands they hit block to cancel it on a target that isn’t looking at them.

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Since buffing its move speed and his HP it’s incredibly difficult to counter

It should just make the duration go down slower when someone is in range

For example if he has a 3s duration and someone is in it, and it reduces it going down by 80%, there’s be 15s of Rammatra’s ult with it ending early if the enemy all escape.

I think compensating with an increased duration to 4s or 5s even would suit this nerf making it still prolonged but no longer infinite.

I didn’t know how to counter it thanks. My issue is that it lasts so long. I rather have it be shorter and do more dps.

But from what I’ve seen, he usually uses it and the whole team just gets melted. It does not seem to be low on damage. And since it lasts so long, he chases you by going to your cover.

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What Ram needs is his ultimate callout for the enemy team to actually work, or if it does it needs to be louder. Even the captions don’t pick it up when he does. It also isn’t really that difficult to avoid either, as long as everyone knows how it works. People like to stand stupidly in it keeping it going.

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It’s strongest against single target healers

Yeah that’s more of a problem than anything, Block just mitigates alot of massive damage and Ramattra will barely take a scratch, There is not really much counter-play to it besides stuns (which there isn’t many of anymore).

Best option against him is Mei’s Wall or Blizzard, and Ana’s Sleep, Roadhog’s ult also.